The CM Punk match was the most interesting from a meta perspective. There were boos, far more than cheers, but then he would hit a move and there would be cheers.
And I’m not a fan, but I admit that by the end I was mostly booing because it seemed like he was playing into the heel and I was happy to play the part (Cf Ospreay’s media scrum comments about how cool it was to have a sold out arena hating him)
#ForbiddenDoor was a ton of fun. Especially with my daughter, who got incredibly into booing, cheering, and chanting.
But while I’m a smark enough to know that of course MJF was going to win, and that Kenny and Ospreay both bladed… it was fun to see how much I still got into the spectacle. When Orange Cassidy retained I hurt my wrist from clapping so hard. When Kenny kicked out of his own finisher at a one count I screamed. I yelled WHAT at the Jungle Boy heel turn. #aew
Heading back on a ferry from Toronto Island; not much time before #FORBIDDENDOOR
So, so many men. 2 women.
And those women aren't "in theme" for the PPV. They could have brought in opponents from Stardom (same ownership as NJPW) to face Thunder Rosa and Jade and maybe Mercedes Martinez. Cut some of the men's non-title matches.
RT @FiteTV
How excited are you for #ForbiddenDoor?
Gotta be Kenny, right?
RT @FiteTV
Who will @JayWhiteNZ face at #AEWxNJPW #ForbiddenDoor?