HEADS UP! All Real Estate in AMERICA will go into a 2ND STAGE like the DID in the 2ND in 2008..



AKA during Covid perpetuated by our and the Elites = BY PUPPETEERS

All will fall.

Just like last time in 2008 the Crooks out of Germany LIBOR sent all homes in foreclosure.

NINA LOANS (NO INCOME NO ASSET VERIFICATION LOANS (12 Years licensed mortgage Broker EXP. | Correspondent National Lender Status) If you could a you could get a home .


All those homes got repurchased in what is call REIT's "real estate investment trusts" bought by all the ELITES & foreigners.

NEWS FLASH to all the American out there. The US Government just you !


The same people you are the buying all the American properties for or .

So stop the civil wars and get mad at ROOT CAUSE. Not each other.

Says .

We Need a folks --to solve this problem..

So this is the next round (3RD ) of foreclosures coming our way..

..this is called and (IN THE WORLD) where all properties will revert back to the banks at pennies on the dollar TO BE RESOLD OR CONVERTED INTO RENTALS or REITS TO BE RESOLD to


First bubbleburst was in 2000 9/11 () that we demand and on the of that .

Just like in Florida Condo where the building fell like pancakes --are controlled demolition of buildings. imho

what the twin towers did. NOT just one fell perfectly like the Florida Condo Pancake ( they had to bring in the ' to do it????).


BUT two (2) fell perfectly in a pancake pattern just like a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION in order to not damage the surrounding buildings and is an art within itself.

DEMAND and OF THE THAT WERE A ATTACK IN 9/11-- on the origins of that disaster.

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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #FORECLOSURE #elites #BUBBLEBURST #REMEMBER #value #PANIC_BUYERS #US_Government #fearmongering #dominoes #fog #mirror #loan #Racists #SOLD #out #HOW #hate #investors #resale #rentals #god #LOVE_ONE_ANOTHER #regime_change #rinse #repeat #Tech #Foreigners #FIRST_TIME #HOME_BUYER #TWIN_TOWERS #re_investigation #ORIGINS #disaster #take_downs #EXACTLY #Israelis #WE_THE_PEOPLE #COLLAPSE #DUBBED #TERRORIST

Last updated 2 years ago