That way for FOSS4G:UK London chapter #foss4guk2023 #foss4guk #FOSS4G #geovationhub
#foss4guk2023 #foss4guk #FOSS4G #geovationhub
L' @osgeofr sera présente aux GéoDataDays les 13 et 14 septembre à Reims !
N'hésitez pas à passer au stand pour les stickers les plus cools du monde géospatial et parler logiciels libres !
:osgeo: :qgis: :gdal:
N'hésitez pas non plus à venir nous aider à tenir le stand ! Des renforts sont toujours les bienvenus.
The FOSS4G team has been posting this year's talks and mine just hit the channel:
A companion article is here:
#FOSS4G #foss4g2023 #postgis #openskynetwork #adsb
It is with great pleasure that I announce that the global event #FOSS4G 2024 (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) will take place, for the first time, in Brazil 🇧🇷, and will be hosted in the city of Belém, in the state of Pará, located in the heart of the Amazon!
#gischat #qgis
It is with great pleasure that I announce that the global event #FOSS4G 2024 (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) will take place, for the first time, in Brazil 🇧🇷, and will be hosted in the city of Belém, in the state of Pará, located in the heart of the Amazon!
On the 14th of September 2023 I will attend the #FOSS4G NL conference in Middelburg. Looking forward to learn from other professionals in the space. I will also give a short talk about @maplibre, the young but thriving project best known for its vector-tile based map rendering libraries, that I have been involved with as a maintainer.
Warm thanks for the organization and hospitality that the Kossovo committee @foss4g
and the volunteers have shown throughout the event!
Great beautiful work!!
If you weren't there, check out #G3WSUITE!
#g3wsuite #foss4g2023 #FOSS4G #qgis
Related to the awesome work @floledermann did with his curated list of geospatial accounts in the fediverse.
I had my own list without updating it for quite a few weeks, but I fixed that, and it is updated again. In my case, it is 375 accounts related to #gis #geography #foss4g #osm #opensource #opendata and such.
As always, happy to add (or remove!) entries, just ping me.
#GIS #geography #FOSS4G #osm #opensource #opendata
Welcome new followers from the latest #TwitterExodus ! I don't post here as often as I did on the birb site, but I follow A LOT more people and I really enjoy the content that those follows bring me.
Let's enjoy some #Beer #Music and #DadJokes whattaya say?
And let's fight together for:
Action on #ClimateChange
#twitterexodus #beer #music #dadjokes #socialjustice #antiracism #ClimateChange #openweb #FOSS4G #humanrights #reproductivefreedom
Slides from my talk on "Aircraft Trajectories in PostGIS" at FOSS4G:
#FOSS4G #foss4g2023 #postgis #opensky
Next year #FOSS4G conference will be in Betlem, Brazil
#FOSS4G #foss4g2023 #foss4g2024
Found some rectified tiles at the #FOSS4G building. Makes sense. Looks like raster tiles btw.
Also this time Gis3W si present at #FOSS4G. We'll be there with one workshop and two talks about #G3WSUITE.
If you want to learn to deploy #G3WSUITE and use it, please come to our workshop:
News and case of studies of #G3WSUITE will be presented in the following talks:
Find us at FOSS4G 2023 Prizren!
#FOSS4G2023 #QGIS #WEBGIS #GEO #OPENSOURCE #opensourcesoftware
#FOSS4G #g3wsuite #foss4g2023 #qgis #WebGIS #geo #opensource #opensourcesoftware
I'm presenting on 4-dimensional data in #PostGIS databases at #FOSS4G in Prizren in a month's time:
This week on the podcast (Ep. 182) we preview the upcoming FOSS4G which will take place in Prizren, Kosovo 🇽🇰 from June 26th to July 2nd.
@stevenfeldman hears from organizers Besfort Guri and Gresa Neziri about what attendees can expect from this year's event (and reminisces a bit about his own conference organizing days)
Many thanks to all involved in creating what will surely be a great event.