Dave Lane (FOSSDLE) · @lightweight
89 followers · 368 posts · Server social.fossdle.org

@shannonmattern we've spent the last couple years working with (small island developing states) in the South Pacific to help them become self-sufficient in using to power their education system, esp with the Covid-motivated shift to remote teaching/learning. That's what motivated the initiative (see fossdle.org - note, it's still a work in progress, but, like all FOSS, we 'release early and often'. πŸ˜‰ ).

#sids #foss #FOSSDLE

Last updated 1 year ago

Helen South · @helgztech
238 followers · 459 posts · Server fosstodon.org

And I think where I'm going with this is the utility of seeing the + + as a connected ecosystem: books, information, research and data are not separate but integrated into the network.

I do know this is well-surveyed territory - but I'm just getting my bearings; it's always worthwhile making your own mudmap. Figure out your own thoughts first. We're so in the habit of looking to the literature for everything, we forget to forge our own ideas.

#FOSSDLE #foss #DLE #oer

Last updated 2 years ago

Helen South · @helgztech
238 followers · 459 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Because OER is "books" it's seen as the business of "librarians" and I'm wondering if this is keeping it corralled in that space, a university subunit and someone else's business. I'll revise this thought when I start seeing papers on OER that aren't published by library and information science scholars, and it's only a small part of the puzzle, feel it's maybe a Thing.


Last updated 2 years ago

Helen South · @helgztech
238 followers · 459 posts · Server fosstodon.org

why yes, I am up at five am thinking about free and open source digital learning environments. How about you?


Last updated 2 years ago

@bonstewart @clintlalonde We use Mastodon in our open courses. Posts incorporating the course hashtag are 'harvested' for Twitter-like course feed. We host our own instance providing a safe place for learners to gain confidence in using the technology without sacrificing data. Soon we will be launching the Commons, a cooperative for shared infrastructure so HE institutions can have access to instances they control.


Last updated 2 years ago

@lightweight Thanks Dave - just had a play on the Matrix server using Element. I'm already addicted - Federation is the future of and education. The more federated apps we use in our stack, the better imo. Nice one and BIG thanks for setting this up for


Last updated 2 years ago