Betts, founder of Freedom Reads, credits his access to books as his avenue to freedom while caged in solitary confinement for 14 months, on and off, during his eight-year incarceration. #freadom
So now the MO legislature wants to defund public libraries because we stood up with our school library colleagues and called them on their vague law that criminalizes school librarians. ACLU of Missouri Criticizes House Budget Committee's Proposed Retaliatory Cuts to Local Library Funding | ACLU of Missouri #freadom #publiclibrary #reading #Missouri #MOlibraries #MASL #bookbans
#BookBans #masl #molibraries #missouri #reading #publiclibrary #FReadom
From the bird site - “The ACLU of Missouri, @MASLOnline, and @MOlibraries challenge the government censorship law, Missouri Revised Statute §573.550 passed last session in Senate Bill 775, that caused school districts across the state to order the removal of hundreds of titles from library shelves.” Read full petition here: #libraries #bookbans #censorship #schools #freadom #Missouri
#missouri #FReadom #schools #censorship #BookBans #libraries
“A library does not have a name; a library has all of them. A library is not a place; a library is a purpose.”
- The God of Lost Words by A.J. Hackwith
#libraries #bookstodon #books #freadom #library #bookbans
#BookBans #library #FReadom #books #bookstodon #libraries
“Maybe what makes a library isn’t what it has, but what it does.”
- The God of Lost Words by A.J. Hackwith
#libraries #bookstodon #books #freadom #library
#library #FReadom #books #bookstodon #libraries
“ A book alone cannot force someone to behave in a manner that contradicts their morals. And banning books will not eliminate the ideas and voices of the people who wrote them. The ideas are out there in the conversations young people have every day.”
- Jo Trafford
Portland, Maine
#reading #freadom #bookbans #library #library #censorship
#censorship #library #BookBans #FReadom #reading
“ I have an unshaken conviction that democracy can never be undermined if we maintain our library resources and a national intelligence capable of utilizing them.”
–Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a letter to publisher Herbert Putnam #freadom #reading #library #libraries #books
#books #libraries #library #reading #FReadom
Forgot to hashtag 🤦♀️ #library #bookbans #censorship #publiclibrary #freadom
#FReadom #publiclibrary #censorship #BookBans #library
Banning books does not protect children. It punishes those who are “different”, silences the abused, and erases those who aren’t white. That’s what the current push is about: punishment, power, and control. #FReadom