Wow, so I did my first and hopefully only visual landing today. Do not ask me how it went! do not pass go! do not collect 200 dollars. I made it, but took up all 5000 feet to stop, and, well, I made it. I never want to land there again! Thanks everyone for the laughs and fun! and to who ever created my fake gravestone, good job! I love it! I can't wait for next week's event.
#FlyingBlind #Fs20 #Vatsim
I'm now downloading my fly by wire traffic add on update. This will take a while. I really love this over AIG as it sounds awesome, and just works, especially when you have the api key from I can't remember where now.
#FlyingBlind #Fs20 #FlightSimulation #FlyByWire #FBW
#fbw #flybywire #flightsimulation #FS20 #flyingBlind
Da weder #FS20- noch #MAX!-Komponenten neuwertig im Fachhandel zu erwerben sind, habe ich mich nun nach vielen Jahren dazu entschlossen, mein gutes altes #FHEM auslaufen zu lassen und eine #CCU3 mit #RaspberryMatic in Betrieb zu nehmen.
Bin gespannt.
#homeautomation #raspberrymatic #ccu3 #fhem #max #FS20