I just tried to reorder some first aid supplies on Amazon using my FSA card, and it wouldn't let me choose that as a payment option. I chatted with their customer service, who told me that Amazon currently has a problem where they can't process payments on FSA cards, no ETA for a fix. Hopefully they'll fix it soon, but I'm just imagining the mess behind the scenes over there! I wonder how much money they'll lose by the time this is all done.
#FSA #FSACard #Amazon #MedicalSupplies #Disability #DisabilityMastodon
#FSA #fsacard #amazon #medicalsupplies #disability #DisabilityMastodon
I usually post Food alerts from #FoodStandardsAgencyUK #FSA, but haven't seen the one about a Lidl Easter Egg!
Will anyone have any left?
#FoodStandardsAgencyUK #FSA #FoodRecall #lidl #eastereggs
Food alert – 6 April 2023:
The Cambridge Food Company Ltd (trading as Cheese +) recalls several cheeses because of possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes
Read more: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-10-2023
List of affected cheeses to follow
#FoodAlert #FoodRecall #FoodStandardsAgency #FSA #TheCambridgeFoodCompany #Listeria
#FoodAlert #FoodRecall #foodstandardsagency #FSA #thecambridgefoodcompany #Listeria
Food alert – 3 April 2023:
Somerset Cheese Company recalls Pennard Red Goats Cheese because of the presence of Listeria monocytogenes
Read more: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-09-2023
#FoodRecall #FoodStandardAgency #FSA #SomersetCheeseCompany #PennardRedGoatsCheese #GoatsCheese #Listeria
#FoodRecall #foodstandardagency #FSA #somersetcheesecompany #pennardredgoatscheese #goatscheese #Listeria
Northumberland dairy farm champions raw milk cheesemaking
#Doddington #Northumberland #Cheesemaking #Cheese #Dairy #Milk #FoodStandardsAgency #FSA
#doddington #northumberland #cheesemaking #cheese #dairy #milk #foodstandardsagency #FSA
Update from the Food Standards Agency 23 March 2023
Food alert – 23 March 2023:
The Cambridge Food Company Limited recalls The Old Cheese Room Baronet and Baby Baronet Soft Cheeses because of the presence of Listeria monocytogenes
Read more: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-08-2023
#FoodAlert #Update #FoodStandardsAgency #FSA #FoodRecall #CambridgeFoodCompany #TheOldCheeseRoom #BaronetCheese #BabyBaronetSoftCheese
#FoodAlert #update #foodstandardsagency #FSA #FoodRecall #cambridgefoodcompany #theoldcheeseroom #baronetcheese #babybaronetsoftcheese #Listeria
Update from the Food Standards Agency 20 March 2023
Food alert – 20 March 2023:
Update 1: The Old Cheese Room extends recalls of Baronet, Baby Baronet and Mini Baronet Soft Cheese because of the presence of Listeria monocytogenes
Read more: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-07-2023-update-1
#FoodAlert #FoodStandardAgency #FSA #FoodRecall #OldCheeseRoom #BaronetCheese #BabyBaronetCheese #MiniBaronetSoftCheese #Listeria
#FoodAlert #foodstandardagency #FSA #FoodRecall #oldcheeseroom #baronetcheese #babybaronetcheese #minibaronetsoftcheese #Listeria
Update from the Food Standards Agency 14 March 2023
Food alert – 14 March 2023:
The Old Cheese Room recalls Baronet, Baby Baronet and Mini Baronet Soft Cheese because of the presence of Listeria monocytogenes
#FoodStandardsAgency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #TheOldCheeseRoom #BaronetCheese #BabyBaronetCheese #MiniBaronetSoftCheese
Read more: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-07-2023
#foodstandardsagency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #theoldcheeseroom #baronetcheese #babybaronetcheese #minibaronetsoftcheese
Update from the Food Standards Agency 24 February 2023
Food alert – 24 February 2023:
Aldi recalls Plant Menu Organic Super Firm Tofu because of poor temperature control
Read more: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-06-2023
#FoodStandardAgency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #Aldi #PlantMenuOrganic #SuperFirmTofu
#foodstandardagency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #Aldi #plantmenuorganic #superfirmtofu
Update from the Food Standards Agency 24 February 2023
Food alert – 24 February 2023:
Aldi recalls Plant Menu Organic Super Firm Tofu because of poor temperature control
Read more: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-06-2023
#FoodStandardAgency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #Aldi #PlantMenuOrganic #SuperFirmTofu
#foodstandardagency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #Aldi #plantmenuorganic #superfirmtofu
Food alert – 21 February 2023:
Update 1: Tahira Foods recalls a number of products because of poor temperature control
Read more: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-05-2023-update-1
##FoodStandardAgency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #TahiraFoods #ChilledBeefSausageHotAndSpicy #ChilledChickenSausagePiriPiri #ChilledChickenSausageTikka #TurkeyChorizo #SlicedTurkeyPizzaToppingSalami #SlicedPoultryMortadellaWithPaprika #ChilledMiniChickenSausage #BeefSalami #NabulsiCheese
#foodstandardagency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #tahirafoods #chilledbeefsausagehotandspicy #chilledchickensausagepiripiri #chilledchickensausagetikka #turkeychorizo #slicedturkeypizzatoppingsalami #slicedpoultrymortadellawithpaprika #chilledminichickensausage #beefsalami #nabulsicheese
Update from the Food Standards Agency 18 February 2023
Food alert – 18 February 2023:
Tahira Foods recalls a number of products because of poor temperature control
Read more: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-05-2023
#FoodStandardAgency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #TahiraFoods #ChilledBeefSausageHot AndSpicy #ChilledChickenSausagePiriPiri #ChilledChickenSausageTikka #TurkeyChorizo #SlicedTurkeyPizzaToppingSalami #SlicedPoultryMortadellaWithPaprika #ChilledMiniChickenSausage #BeefSalami #NabulsiCheese
#foodstandardagency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #tahirafoods #chilledbeefsausagehot #chilledchickensausagepiripiri #chilledchickensausagetikka #turkeychorizo #slicedturkeypizzatoppingsalami #slicedpoultrymortadellawithpaprika #chilledminichickensausage #beefsalami #nabulsicheese
Update from the Food Standards Agency 17 February 2023
Food alert – 17 February 2023:
Lidl GB recalls Deluxe Strolghino Salami because of the potential presence of Salmonella
Read more: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-04-2023
##FoodStandardsAgency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #LidlGB #DeluxeStrolghinoSalami #Salami
#foodstandardsagency #FSA #FoodAlert #FoodRecall #lidlgb #deluxestrolghinosalami #salami
Update from the Food Standards Agency 14 February 2023
Food alert – 14 February 2023:
Quorn Foods recalls Frozen Quorn Swedish Style Balls because they may contain pieces of plastic.
Read more: https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-03-2023
#FoodStandardsAgency #FSA #FoodAlert #QuornFoods #SwedishStyleBalls
#foodstandardsagency #FSA #FoodAlert #quornfoods #swedishstyleballs
Good news for #FootballSupportersEurope and the #FSA #FootballSupprtersAssociation. Bad news for the greedy owners of #Juventus #FCBarcelona and #RealMadridCF.
#footballsupporterseurope #FSA #FootballSupprtersAssociation #juventus #fcbarcelona #RealMadridCF
*whispers to screen*
Actually the only #shoegaze band I give a shit about, and only for the first few albums.
#FSA #FlyingSaucerAttack #zkYouTube
#zkyoutube #flyingsaucerattack #FSA #shoegaze
If you are a #football fan in England and Wales and attend matches this is important. Read it and read the PDF in the link.
#football #FSA #footballsupportersassociation #pnefc
When people come to me for assistance with disability-related claims, I ask them to pull all their employment-related plans as well as all their life, health, disability policies. Benefits are often tucked away in obscure places. As we close in on year's end, here are some tips for maximizing benefits:
1. Have you reached deductibles?
2. Don't forfeit $ in your #FSA.
3. Can you get a tax break for expenses?
4. Max out FSAs now!
#FSA #disability #LTDClaims #SSDIClaims #EmployeeBenefits
FTX CEO Updates Crypto Community, Sunsets Alameda Trading, Addresses a Specific ‘Sparring Partner’
#Japan’sFinancialServicesAgency #$5billioninwithdrawals #FTXSamBankman-Fried #FTXInternational #SamBankman-Fried #AlamedaResearch #sparringpartner #SunsetAlameda #Twitterthread #BinanceDeal #FTXExchange #Apology #Binance #trading #FTX.US #Kraken #order #News #fsa #ftx #sbf
#Japan #ftxsambankman #FTXInternational #SamBankman #AlamedaResearch #sparringpartner #SunsetAlameda #twitterthread #BinanceDeal #FTXExchange #apology #binance #trading #FTX #Kraken #Order #news #FSA #SBF
Japan's financial regulator requests FTX Japan halt operations
#sambankman-fried #regulation #japan #ftx #fsa
#SamBankman #regulation #Japan #FTX #FSA