I have very faint memories of a book I read in the 80's. It's not that it was terribly good, but I think I was amused by it and it's been nagging me that I can't remember what book it was.
All I remember is that there were Orcs running around in Berkeley and the protagonist was a young man.
It was your typical #FSS 80's paperback, possibly Del Rey.
It's obviously an extremely long shot, but does this ring any bells?
Korean Regulator Takes Action Against 16 Foreign Crypto Exchanges
#koreacryptocurrencyregulation #FinancialIntelligenceUnit #koreancryptoregulation #koreacryptoregulation #koreancryptoexchanges #Regulation #FSC #FSS
#koreacryptocurrencyregulation #FinancialIntelligenceUnit #koreancryptoregulation #koreacryptoregulation #koreancryptoexchanges #regulation #FSC #FSS
Regulators tie Kimchi premium to $6.5B in overseas remittances
#ShinhanBank #WooriBank #FSS
ネプチューン(ボルダ19 帝騎ナキメーカ)のデザイン最高。ディ・カイゼリンの姉妹騎
ネプチューン(ボルダ19 帝騎ナキメーカ)のデザイン最高。ディ・カイゼリンの姉妹騎
20年以上前の設定が突然出現する最近の #FSS 。B4系L.E.Dやこのヒト死んでたんじゃ??というキャラ。とりあえず永野先生、寿命あるうちに大侵攻まではなんとか描きたいようだ。それでも年表上は魔導大戦終了まであと30年ぐらい。
20年以上前の設定が突然出現する最近の #FSS 。B4系L.E.Dやこのヒト死んでたんじゃ??というキャラ。とりあえず永野先生、寿命あるうちに大侵攻まではなんとか描きたいようだ。それでも年表上は魔導大戦終了まであと30年ぐらい。
Critiche di sessismo, razzismo e transfobia alla free software foundation #FSS in particolare a #RMS (si dice che ha un'influenza negativa in generale) da una persona che si occupava di organizzazione di campagne ed eventi sul #freesoftware
Criticism of sexism, racism and transphobia to the free software foundation #FSS in particular to #RMS by a person who was involved in organizing campaigns and events on #freesoftware