hey #dotNET
is there a consent for 2023 how a directory structure should look like for new greenfield #csharp or #fsharp solutions?
- Java-like (src and test)- "Flat": LibFoo is next to LibFoo.Tests- other?
How much does your
motivate your choice?
#dotNET #CSharp #FSharp
I haven't grasped the concept of "Free Monads" yet.
Watching this: at least I know, why and when the concept is useful!
Thanks Mark Seemann! #fsharp
Danke an alle Teilehmer unserer (@groma & me) Session zum Einstieg in die Funktionale Programmierung mit C# und #fsharp !Die Slides gibt es hier 👉 mathema-gmbh.github.io/2023-06-dwx-fp…#dwx23
#FSharp #dwx23