Cut from an #FT article on the collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). See also work of @rahmstorf
#Kreuzfahrtschiffe haben 2022 in Europa 4mal mehr schädliche Schwefelgase in die Atmosphäre gepumpt als PKWs. Dies geht lt.#FT aus Studien hervor, die zeigen, dass sich die Luftqualität trotz Zusagen der Industrie, umweltfreundlicher zu werden, verschlechtert.
Spannend: Nicolai #Tangen, Chef des #NorwegischenStaatsfonds, gibt via #FT Einblicke, wie sie #KI-Modelle einsetzen,um Handelsaktivität zu begrenzen und so Transaktionskosten zu sparen. Auch er fordert eine stärkere Regulierung von #AI-Systemen.
#tangen #norwegischenstaatsfonds #FT #ki #ai #digitaleethik
UK Expected to Reveal £2.5 Billion, 10-Year Quantum Computing Program #National #Quantum_Computing_Business #engineers #Financial_Times #FT #orca #ORCA_Computing #Plan_for_Quantum #Quantum_Exponential #Richard_Murray #scientists #UK #quantumdaily The UK government is expected to a decade-long £2.5 billion funding program to support quantum computing in the country, according to the Financial Times. The program will help the UK, already a leader in quantu
#National #Quantum_Computing_Business #engineers #Financial_Times #FT #orca #ORCA_Computing #Plan_for_Quantum #Quantum_Exponential #Richard_Murray #scientists #UK #quantumdaily
RT @PekkarinenMauri: #Hesari seuraa hyvin #FT:a. Suurten kisa edistysellisimpien sirujen valmistamisteknologiasta on iso maailmanpolitiikan asia. USA vetää EU:a mukaan kiristyviin #Kiina-pakotteisiin. Sellaisille voi olla aihetta. Mutta Kiinan ajaminen #Venäjän kylkeen on sekin riski.
@lilianedwards next we will be told we cannot afford the #NHS, but it's all about political choices - where governments spend our money. The source of these charts btw was - The #FT!
#FT spell out in graphic terms the effects of money squeeze has done to #UK economy Bd public services.
Financial Times: Britain's winter of discontent is the inevitable result of austerity.
Today the #FT publishes an article on the fuel crisis in #Syria. The newspaper blames #Iran, which has cut off oil supplies. The fact that Syria's oil fields have been captured by #USA, which is STEALING Syrian oil, is politely omitted from the article.
They obviously think their readership's critical thinking skills are non-existent.
And the worst part is that they are right.
#FT Military briefing: escalating air war depletes Ukraine’s weapons stockpile:
#FT Military briefing: escalating air war depletes Ukraine’s weapons stockpile:
#Zelensky was chosen as "Person of the Year" by the #Financial_Times for 2022
The #FT writes that, "Ukraine's president embodies the resilience of his people and has become a standard-bearer for liberal democracy."
#Zelensky #financial_times #FT
The level of #InPlainSight #corruption with large scale theft from the public purse (100s of millions at least) in the UK over the #covid #pandemic is eye watering - and they'll get away with it as legislature and juridical cover is architectured to ignore such actions - #FT but eventually this will lead to consitutional overhaul
#inplainsight #corruption #covid #pandemic #FT
The #FT video nails the disaster of #Brexit (and still misses off many other problems)
Lo shale gas americano non salverà l'Europa dalla stretta energetica del prossimo inverno. #FT #EU
EU og forsvar bør ikke bare behandles i et udvalg. Det hører til i folketingssalen, hvor alle 179 medlemmer kan være med i debatten og beslutningen #eudk #ft #dkpol
RT @JanSeifert: Super cool simulation game by the FT about decisions towards solving the climate crisis: #climate #game #ft
Jeg indleder spørgtimen i dag. Først med statsministeren, der må forklare, hvorfor hun truer @berlingske med politianmeldelser. Og derefter udenrigsministeren. Mon ikke hans kovending i går skal ses som en slags optakt..? #StayTuned #ft #dkpol
Yes, good article in @FT. Raises complex tensions of dealing with refugee crisis throughout Europe. Also a timely reminder: EU has been outsourcing its asylum-seeker problem for years by shipping people off to camps in Libya/Turkey. Less fuss made by those outraged by Rwanda plan
RT @jameswoudhuysen: #Immigration? I nearly fainted. An article in the #FT DEMOLISHES the #EU's policy: "sordid", "self-serving", "cynical self-interest". …