In the last few weeks we have seen multiple acts of #SCOTUS upholding a white supremacist, patriarchal, and capitalist power structure. This is not the land of the free. It never was. #FourthofJuly2022 #FT4th #FTP #Abolition
#SCOTUS #FourthofJuly2022 #FT4th #ftp #Abolition
In the last few weeks we have seen multiple acts of #SCOTUS upholding a white supremacist, patriarchal, and capitalist power structure. This is not the land of the free. It never was and will never be. #FourthofJuly2022 #FT4th #FTP #Abolition
#SCOTUS #FourthofJuly2022 #FT4th #ftp #Abolition
"What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelly to which he is the constant victim."
-Frederick Douglas…
#FT4th #FTP #Abolition
"When we have undermined the patriotic lie, we shall have cleared the path for the great structure where all shall be united into a universal brotherhood -- a truly free society"
- Emma Goldman
#FourthofJuly #FT4th #FTP