La falla di sicurezza su Cisco ASA ed FTD è sfruttata attivamente e non ha una patch
Cisco avverte della #vulnerabilità nulla CVE-2023-20269 nei suoi prodotti Adaptive Security Appliance (#Cisco #ASA) e Firepower Threat Defense (Cisco #FTD).
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#vulnerabilità #cisco #asa #FTD #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Updated security announcement around the #VPN zero-day affecting #Cisco #ASA and #FTD software. #Firepower Threat Defense is not affected by clientless SSL vulnerability as it is not a supported configuration. #MFA still mitigates the risk if valid credentials are found.
#MFA #Firepower #FTD #asa #cisco #vpn
Ricominciamo dall’ABC. La NSA pubblica raccomandazioni su come impostare un Firewall
La #NSA ha rilasciato #raccomandazioni per la configurazione e il rafforzamento dei #sistemi Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (#FTD). La guida ha lo scopo di aiutare gli #amministratori di #sistema e di r#ete nel processo di configurazione dei firewall di nuova generazione (#NGFW).
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#nsa #raccomandazioni #sistemi #FTD #amministratori #sistema #NGFW #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Incidence of Syndromes Associated With FTLD in 9 European Countries
"We estimated that the projected number of newly diagnosed FTLD cases in Europe is approximately 12 000 per year. This is a substantial burden on the European health and welfare system that should be seriously considered to provide appropriate health and social care planning and to design future clinical trials."
Most people think of genetic #RareDiseases diseases as congenital severe syndromes. While more prevalent in children, many adults with late onset genetic conditions walk around unaware that they have a #RareDisease. Unexplained changes in behavior are major red flags 🚩🚩for #FTD #Huntington or #Alzheimer , often dismissed by people and resulting in major life changes and relationships loss.
The Vanishing Family
#RareDiseases #raredisease #FTD #huntington #Alzheimer
45 minutes movie on Robin Williams and Lewy Body Disease (LBD). His widow, Susan Schneider Williams, is very open about their journey and the challenges and losses. I didn't realize that he wasn’t diagnosed until after his death.
As a member of the Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) caregiver community I find this very moving. We appreciate Susan Williams’ advocacy work. There are similarities between FTD and LBD. #LBD #FTD
Please consider buying #FindingtheRightWords: A Story of Literature, Grief, and the Brain, published by #jhupress while it's being discounted. The #memoir is about my father's early-onset #Alzheimer's, which I wrote with #neurologist Dr. Bruce Miller. Readers have said it captures the complexities of #grief that often accompany #dementia, & the #neurology behind the many diseases (#FTD, #CTE, et al.) comprising #dementia. #EndAlz, #medhums, #litstudies, #narrativemedicine
#FindingtheRightWords #jhupress #memoir #alzheimer #neurologist #grief #dementia #neurology #FTD #CTE #endalz #medhums #litstudies #narrativemedicine
Wordle 694 4/6
#wordle #wordle694 #nytimes #ftd #dailywordleclub #lfgsd @nytimes
#lfgsd #dailywordleclub #FTD #nytimes #wordle694 #Wordle
🔊Voting für #Deutscherpodcastpreis läuft! Wir freuen uns über Stimmen ➡️ 👉 #SabineHeinrich
🧠 #Demenz #Alzheimer #Parkinson #ALS #FTD 🎙️ #podcast #podcastpreis #dpp2023 #dpp23 /mn
#deutscherpodcastpreis #sabineheinrich #demenz #Alzheimer #Parkinson #ALS #FTD #podcast #podcastpreis #dpp2023 #dpp23
RT @AgustinMIbanez
Whole-brain semiempirical modeling of dementia (#AD & #FTD) provides integrative neuroimaging mechanisms and in silico brain stimulation protocols. Check out our paper led by @ysanz6 and @ETagliazucchi in @eLife 👉
TDP-43 represses cryptic exon splicing in #UNC13A, a risk factor for #AmyotrophicLateralSclerosis (#ALS) & #FrontotemporalDementia (#FTD). While #TDP43 is the main repressor, other hnRNPs may potentially act as disease modifiers @PrudencioLab #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #tdp43 #FTD #frontotemporaldementia #Als #amyotrophiclateralsclerosis #unc13a
TDP-43 represses cryptic exon splicing in #UNC13A, a risk factor for #AmyotrophicLateralSclerosis (#ALS) & #FrontotemporalDementia (#FTD). While #TDP43 is the main repressor, other hnRNPs may potentially act as disease modifiers @PrudencioLab #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #tdp43 #FTD #frontotemporaldementia #Als #amyotrophiclateralsclerosis #unc13a
TDP-43 represses cryptic exon splicing in #UNC13A, a risk factor for #AmyotrophicLateralSclerosis (#ALS) & #FrontotemporalDementia (#FTD). While #TDP43 is the main repressor, other hnRNPs may potentially act as disease modifiers @PrudencioLab #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #tdp43 #FTD #frontotemporaldementia #Als #amyotrophiclateralsclerosis #unc13a
The #Willis family has shared with the world one of the most difficult diagnoses imaginable -- #FTD. And this is the response when he goes out with friends? Ghoulish. Do better.
»Therapien, die den Erkrankungsverlauf bremsen, gibt es noch nicht«
Vergleichsweise wenige Menschen erkranken wie der Schauspieler Bruce Willis an einer frontotemporalen Demenz. Oft wird sie lange mit anderen Krankheiten verwechselt. Wie sie entsteht, was sie von Alzheimer unterscheidet und ob es Chance auf Heilung gibt, erklärt der Neurologe Carlo Wilke im Interview.
#Medizin #Demenz #FTD #LongText
#LongText #FTD #demenz #medizin
Wat is frontotemporale dementie, de aandoening waar Bruce Willis aan lijdt?
Bruce Willis has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia. AP explains more about the condition and how #FTD affects the brain:
Bruce Willis is diagnosed with a Front Temporale Dementia FTD).
My sister passed away in 09/21, 5 years after being diagnosed with FTD. She was 66.
I am sorry for the family of the Star. If there is one positive outcome from this tragedy, it would be to get the Public more aware of this rare disease.
#FTD #Dementia #BruceWillis