On noes! Ken White going to have a field day with this one.
Judge revokes Sam Bankman-Friedâs bail after accusation of witness tampering
#ftx #FTXcollapse #SamBankmanFried #fraud #crime #usa
The new team in charge of the FTX bankruptcy have released their first interim report on the failures of control at FTX and related businesses.
It's 43 pages long, let's go through it đ§”
So, apparently Sam Bankman-Fried is pleading not guilty to all charges and I know his parents are/we're respected academics but either he's got a lot of dubious money tied up in his bailout or he and other very wealthy people really have bought into the silicon valley reality distortion field.
The frustrating thing is, FTX scammed wealthy people too, this isn't just normal people duped into a crypto scam. We'll probably see repercussions for Sam BECAUSE he screwed over some well to dos and financiers. Meanwhile all the other open scams like #Celcius , #tether , #TerraUSD #luna , the myriad of rug pull #NFT projects see no long-term repercussions. None of the normies will get a dime of their money back.
Why does Sam have to be the sacrificial lamb? Why can't we just cull the plague infested herd?
#celcius #tether #terrausd #luna #NFT #FTX #FTXcollapse #sbf
#FTX founder #SamBankmanFried out on $250M #bailbond #FTXcollapse
#FTXcollapse #bailbond #sambankmanfried #FtX
#FTX founder #SamBankmanFried out on $250M #bailbond #FTXcollapse
#FTXcollapse #bailbond #sambankmanfried #FtX
Tech (Global News): FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried can be released on US$250M bond ahead of trial: judge https://globalnews.ca/news/9367937/ftx-bankman-fried-bond-bail-court/ #globalnews #TechNews #Technology #SamBankman-Friedcharged #cryptocurrencyexchange #FTXfoundercharges #SamBankman-Fried #cryptocollapse #cryptocurrency #ftxcollapse #ftxfounder #SBFcharged #U.S.News #FTXcourt #SBFcourt #crypto #Crime #Tech #ftx #SBF
#globalnews #technews #technology #SamBankman #cryptocurrencyexchange #FTXfoundercharges #cryptocollapse #cryptocurrency #FTXcollapse #ftxfounder #SBFcharged #U #FTXcourt #SBFcourt #Crypto #crime #Tech #FtX #sbf
Tech (Global News): FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried agrees to U.S. extradition from Bahamas https://globalnews.ca/news/9365222/ftx-founder-sam-bankman-fried-bahama-extradition/ #globalnews #TechNews #Technology #sambankman-friedbahamas #SamBankman-Friedcharged #cryptocurrencyexchange #FTXfoundercharges #SamBankman-Fried #cryptocollapse #cryptocurrency #SBFextradited #ftxcollapse #ftxfounder #SBFcharged #U.S.News #crypto #Crime #World #Tech #ftx #SBF
#globalnews #technews #technology #SamBankman #cryptocurrencyexchange #FTXfoundercharges #cryptocollapse #cryptocurrency #SBFextradited #FTXcollapse #ftxfounder #SBFcharged #U #Crypto #crime #world #Tech #FtX #sbf
Kevin O'Leary beschuldigt Binance, den FTX-Zusammenbruch absichtlich herbeigefĂŒhrt zu haben, und sagt im Senat aus #KevinO'LearyBlamesBinance #FTXCollapse https://cutt.ly/z0vFrG2
SBF interview bingo
A group of media outletsâBloomberg, the NYT, Dow Jones & Co, and the Financial Timesâjust filed a motion to intervene in the FTX case, requesting that FTX be required to unseal customer and creditor lists.
The weekly recap is here! Bankruptcies pile up, Orthogonal Trading goes pear-shaped, and crypto exchanges perform layoffs... again.
#crypto #newsletter #FTXcollapse
Risikokapitalgeber Kevin O'Leary plant, verlorene Gelder aus dem FTX-Zusammenbruch nach einer umfassenden Untersuchung zurĂŒckzugewinnen #KevinOLeary #FTXCollapse https://cutt.ly/9150TmY
Robinhood gewinnt nach dem Zusammenbruch von FTX an Krypto-Marktanteil, sagt der CEO #RobinhoodCrypto #FTXCollapse https://cutt.ly/u151oMs
US-Verbraucher glauben, dass Bitcoin (BTC) nach dem FTX-Kollaps auf ein neues BĂ€renmarkt-Tief fallen wird: Neue Umfrage #BTCBearMarket #FTXCollapse https://cutt.ly/u19bnzW
Everything Sam Bankman-Fried is doing right now is in singular pursuit of not going to jail, and it is critical that we all keep that at the forefronts of our minds.
did a huge update to the FTX contagion chart last night.
i've begun capturing their investors as well as their creditors, and there are now nearly 50 impacted companies listed.
Tech (Global News): FTX founder Bankman-Fried says he didnât âtry to commit fraud,â knowingly misuse funds https://globalnews.ca/news/9317169/ftx-bankman-fried-nyt-interview-fraud/ #globalnews #TechNews #Technology #sambankmanfriednews #WhathappenedtoFTX #SamBankman-Fried #cryptocurrency #FTXbankruptcy #ftxcollapse #Alameda #FTXnews #crypto #World #Tech #ftx
#globalnews #technews #technology #sambankmanfriednews #WhathappenedtoFTX #SamBankman #cryptocurrency #ftxbankruptcy #FTXcollapse #alameda #FTXnews #Crypto #world #Tech #FtX
Wie hat sich der FTX-Zusammenbruch auf die Web3-Gaming-Industrie ausgewirkt? #FTXCollapse https://cutt.ly/P1LVEar
Umfrage zeigt, dass die Erwartungen an den zukĂŒnftigen Wert von Bitcoin nach dem Einbruch des FTX niedrig sind #BitcoinCrash #FTXCollapse https://cutt.ly/S1JSj82