PS: there are very few ways to communicate more immediately to #disabled patients that they aren’t welcome in your practice. If you go out of your way to make sure it’s in the confirmation? That’s a pretty strong #FU🖕🏻 from the outset.
And y’all people have the audacity to complain that patients complain about you on the internet lol. What a joke. #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsAirborne #IDoNotConsent #MaskUp #PublicHealth #PublicSafety #MedicalAbleism #YouDoYo[e]ugenics #InfectionControl
#disabled #FU #covidisntover #COVIDisAirborne #idonotconsent #MaskUp #publichealth #publicsafety #medicalableism #youdoyo #infectioncontrol
Schools In Florida and Wisconsin Banned a Japanese Sci-Fi Comic Book Because It Features Images of School-Age Kids Wielding Guns
"We don't want students to think it's OK to kill their teachers," Jennifer Pippin of Moms for Liberty told USA Today.
No statement or protests from Moms for Liberty on the actual bullets killing actual teachers and the actual students they care so deeply about.
Da oggi Freeform Universal role-playing è disponibile anche su Amazon via kdp, formato cartaceo e kindle.
#gdr #FreeformUniversal #FU #GiocoDiRuolo
#gdr #freeformuniversal #FU #giocodiruolo
FU edizione italiana ora in POD su Lulu
I thought I'd do a re-intro for all the new folks joining up.
She/Her/MX, Cis, Poly, demi, left, inclusive, trans-safe
I'm a #spinner, #knitter, #weaver, #soapmaker, #dyer, and a dabbler in a bunch of other things. I also help @abbysyarns at #FU (Franquemont University).
Some topics I'm interested in:
#spinner #knitter #weaver #soapmaker #dyer #FU #scifi #fantasy #fanfiction #reading #foodie #gamer #blm #bodypositive #handspinning #spinning #dyeing #weaving #knitting #soapmaking
Latest #introduction post (🧵 threaded for history)
I am a #spinner and #weaver -- primarily drop spindles and #AndeanBackstrap weaving. I'm also an "Adjunct" over at #FU #FranquemontUniversity where I support the work of #AbbysYarns in Peru.
I've been part of #SCA #Caid through #textiles #medieval #reenactment and #bardic
I'm on hiatus from teaching #FCBD (formerly ATS) #bellydance where I coined #ThisBodyThisDay and #NoPressureNoShame
My Weaving Journey🧵 starts at
#introduction #spinner #weaver #AndeanBackstrap #FU #FranquemontUniversity #abbysyarns #SCA #Caid #textiles #medieval #reenactment #bardic #FCBD #Bellydance #ThisBodyThisDay #NoPressureNoShame
After relocating to #Berlin, I am thrilled to present some research findings at the #FU Berlin tomorrow and get to know the local #earlyModern community. Not sure there are #histodons among them but it feels great to have finally resumed in-person meetings...and beer afterward!
#histodons #earlymodern #FU #berlin
After relocating to #Berlin, I am thrilled to present some research findings at the #FU Berlin tomorrow and get to know the local #earlyModern community. Not sure there are #histodons among them but it feels great to have finally resumed in-person meetings...and beer afterward!
#histodons #earlymodern #FU #berlin
Better #introduction post (might as well thread them for history)
I am a #spinner and #weaver -- primarily drop spindles and #AndeanBackstrap weaving. I'm also an "Adjunct" over at #FU #FranquemontUniversity where I support the work of #AbbysYarns in Peru. I've been part of #SCA #Caid through #textiles #medieval #reenactment and #bardic performances. I'm on hiatus currently from teaching #FCBD (formerly ATS) #bellydance where I coined #ThisBodyThisDay and #NoPressureNoShame
#introduction #spinner #weaver #AndeanBackstrap #FU #FranquemontUniversity #abbysyarns #SCA #Caid #textiles #medieval #reenactment #bardic #FCBD #Bellydance #ThisBodyThisDay #NoPressureNoShame
@DrMoose The FU RPG has an adjacent dice mechanic. Only players roll. Start with 1 Action Die. Add another for each relevant tag. (Mathematically, the sweet spot is said to be 3 Action Dice.) Build the Danger Dice similarly. Roll. Danger Dice cancel out matching Action Dice. The highest remaining Action Die is your result: 6 == success; 4–5 == partial success; < 3 == Failure; there's also a botch condition. The dice don't explode. #neonCityOverdrive #FU #ttrpg
@chaosmeister I found this when I searched the #FU hashtag. Thank you, I just bought your game. Although I haven't run it, I'm eager to run or play Neon City Overdrive. I'm eager to see how your game is lighter than this.
@chaosmeister I found this when I searched the #FU hashtag. Thank you, I just bought your game. Although I haven't run it, I'm eager to run or play Neon City Overdrive. I'm eager to see how your game is lighter than this.
Obligatory Intro: I'm a #spinner and #weaver -- primarily drop spindles and Andean Backstrap weaving. I'm also an "adjunct" over at #FU #FranquemontUniversity where I support the work of @abbysyarns in Peru. I've been part of #SCA #Caid doing a bit of #bardic and a teacher of #FCBD (formerly ATS) bellydance.
#spinner #weaver #FU #FranquemontUniversity #SCA #Caid #bardic #FCBD
Intro time!
I'm a #spinner, #knitter, #weaver, #soapmaker, #dyer, and a dabbler in a bunch of other things. I also help @abbysyarns at #FU (Franquemont University).
When I am not doing what I love, I am doing IT work to pay the bills and keep the fiber in my stash/
#spinner #knitter #weaver #soapmaker #dyer #FU
I really like #FU as a #TTRPG, but wanted a lighter, a bit guided, version for one shots. I still need to figure out the 6 GM questions and struggling with that.
Heute zum ersten Mal das #CoderDojo an der #FU #Berlin mit den beiden Jungs besucht. Alle hatten großen Spaß. Und die Kinder wissen jetzt schonmal was if, else, while und for bedeutet.