Appena terminata la seconda #run di #MassEffect #Andromeda #andromedainitiative ed ovviamente non so a cosa #giocare. Ho lì #DragonAgeOrigins che mi strizza l’occhio, ma anche #Fable ammicca a più non posso… che odio
#run #masseffect #andromeda #andromedainitiative #giocare #dragonageorigins #Fable
#fsharpConf is coming!
In just SIX days we have fsharpConf - the F# Community Online Conference, created and run by the community for the community!
Join us on 26 June 2023 for this FREE online conference covering 13 wonderful topics covering F# programming on both client and server, including using Fable!
Ever wonder how many features #Fable offers to interop with JavaScript ?
Wonder no more, they are all listed (unless I missed some 😇) in this screenshot.
The best part is that they will all be documented in the new documentation.
A Brief Introduction to F# - Erik Schierboom
#fsharp #dotnet #Fable #javascript
@asp_net @rrinaldi I was forgetting I had one :). Now I think I need to write my own database …. :) seriously, this was also a good read for me in the same vein (and I would like to look at flutter/dart/fable as my spend perhaps). Last big project was with #fable and #react and zero regrets. #fsharp
---Scientific Fable---
"Grandmother, why do we move our eyes when we sleep?", asked the Little Red Riding Hood.
"The better to see the phantasmagories behind our eyelids", was the Big Bad Wolf's response.
#TinyFiction #FairyTale #Fable #MicroStory #fiction #writing #BigBadWolf
#bigbadwolf #writing #fiction #microstory #Fable #fairytale #tinyfiction
Kids’ Jukebox Based on Arduino with RFID - Consumer electronics aimed at young children tend to be quite janky and cheap-look... - #musicalhacks #audiobook #children #grimmboy #arduino #stories #tonuino #audio #child #fable #grimm #music #rfid #mp3 #nfc
#nfc #mp3 #rfid #music #grimm #Fable #child #audio #tonuino #stories #arduino #grimmboy #children #audiobook #musicalhacks
Thanks to everyone who came to watch my streams! 2022 was a big year for me. I promise I’ll return to streaming soon. ❤️🫂
#TwitchRecap #TwitchStreamer #Streamer #puzzles #JigsawPuzzles #Fable #Pokemon #Picross #Miku #HatsuneMiku
#twitchrecap #twitchstreamer #streamer #puzzles #jigsawpuzzles #Fable #pokemon #picross #miku #hatsunemiku
A twist on the #Introduction: introduce yourself using five #videogames to get to know you. 1. #halo 2. #destiny2 3. #fallout 4. #metro2033 5. #Fable
#introduction #videogames #halo #destiny2 #fallout #metro2033 #Fable
Static #Feliz.Engine with interface guarantees for multiple platform implementations anyone? #FSharp #Fable
How could you get control over the data that your form produces?
Perhaps you could connect fields via the input.form attribute instead of nesting them?
A form builder with specific renderers could enforce this, kinda like #Fable.Form by The field renderers would get the form reference as a parameter, so granting access to the formData is explicit. Hm..
The transparent transformation is pretty neat, kinda like #Fable with compiler plugins, but using esbuilt.
Would be cool if we had something like that in #FSharp directly.
For a #Remix-like router, what about this little hack: you could use the fact routes are separate files, generate declaration side transformations with #Myriad on the route file, and call site transformation with a type provider consuming the routes dir?
我又带着消费主义陷阱来了,这回是 humble bundle 的乌克兰慈善包,$40 价值 $2562 的 122 款游戏:
跟上次的 相比区别是:
1. 大多数内容可以在 Steam 上 redeem(itch 那个只能本地下载)
2. 跟 itch 侧重 indie 不同,Humble bundle 里除了 indie 还有有很多 2A+ 游戏,大体看了一眼我看着眼熟/玩过/wishilist 了的
- #Back4Blood 前阵子才出的热门射击游戏
- #MetroExdous 地铁:离去。虽然我玩不下去这个游戏但是评价很高一度是很多人当年的 GOTY,有趣的是这个游戏是俄罗斯 studio 做的,侧面反映俄罗斯很多人支持乌克兰,所以请不要国籍歧视!
- #Quantum Break 量子破碎,当年科幻射击大作
- #MaxPayne 3 R 星的马克思佩恩 3 开放世界动作黑帮,缺点是得在 R 星平台领而不是 steam
- #SunsetOverdrive 当年 Xbox One 首发独占,一款很爽的超能力开放世界游戏
- #SlayTheSpire 杀戮尖塔,无需多说素质非常高的时间黑洞卡牌 roguelike,我之前在 switch 上玩的,一直想迁移到 steam 上来着这次绝好机会
- #Fable 神鬼传奇,微软当年奇幻开放世界良心之作,坊间期待良久要出续作活久见
- #SuperHot 我最喜欢的 VR 游戏。之前 itch 也有但是现在可以在 steam redeem
- #ThisWarOfMine 先前已经在各平台坐过好多次乌克兰相关的独立慈善无需多说,比较 depressing 大家量力而行
- #WarGroove 高级战争工作室出的像素风奇幻战棋游戏,我之前也是在 switch 上一直想迁移到 steam 来着
- #Satisfactory 我没玩过但是工业化游戏界(类似 #RimWolrd #戴森球 这种)声誉很高的工厂游戏
- #WizardOfLegend 素质很不错的像素奇幻 roguelite 动作多人合作(也可以单人)游戏,也是在 switch 一直想迁移到 steam 来着
- Yoku‘sIslandExpress Team17(分手厨房工作室)出的双人合作游戏
- 一些素质也不错的 indie: #Pathway #TheLongDark #StarBound #ToothAndTail #KindomTwoCrowns #Inmost
- Razom for Ukraine
- International Rescue Committee
- International Medical Corps
- Direct Relief
(就是感觉晚点会 redeem 到手软)
#Back4Blood #MetroExdous #quantum #MaxPayne #SunsetOverdrive #slaythespire #Fable #SuperHot #ThisWarofMine #WarGroove #satisfactory #RimWolrd #戴森球 #WizardOfLegend #Pathway #TheLongDark #STARBOUND #ToothAndTail #KindomTwoCrowns #Inmost #gaming #deal
[jouèb] #fable
Un grand et gros chêne, lors d’un débat un soir
D’un petit saule en contait à son adresse
Enfin, un gros 4×4 taillé pour monter les trottoirs
Disait à un vélo de tube d’acier de forte souplesse