I was at the supermarket. After about 5 minutes walking around I was... *gasp!* I don't have my #faceshield! I left it in the car!! 😳 (Normally the security guard at the door would point it out and ask people to wear face shields.)
I looked around and noticed a good number of people also did not have #faceshields on.
Then I remembered. The authorities did* talk about relaxing restrictions. Our #covid19 numbers have been going down. Plus, some cities have reached #vaccination goals. 😃👍
#FaceShield #faceshields #covid19 #vaccination
Supermarket layout too crowded. Quite a lot of shoppers. They didn't restrict the number of people inside even though we're under #MECQ (a stricter level of #CommunityQuarantine). And the people shopping there -- wearing their #FaceMask with the nose exposed and the #FaceShield over their head instead of in front of their face... and the staff just let them be.
Maybe it being a Saturday is a factor. I normally do errands on Mondays. Less people out & about.
#MECQ #CommunityQuarantine #FaceMask #FaceShield
Check out my latest release on Zazzle.com
Namasté Face Shield
Just $9.50 !
#Namasté #FaceShield showing the decorative golden word #Namasté - meaning: "The light within me recognizes, bows, and honors the light within you and together we are one with this light".