@genodeftest @Goettinderjagd @joerg_spengler Und nein, im Dezember sah es nicht wirklich besser aus.
I never understand why it always has to end with some type of #hopium , like:
"the trend can still be changed. We can save hundreds if not thousands of species from extinction with more targeted and efficient conservation strategies. But in order to achieve this, we need to increase our collective awareness about the looming escalation of the biodiversity crisis, and take action in combatting this global emergency. Time is pressing. "
Are the researchers afraid of losing their jobs when they say:
"Oooh, shit, this makes me really depressed, this trend is going on endlessly and it is only getting worse" (which is the truth)
#collapse #TalkCollapse #overshoot #SixthMassExtinction #CrashCourse #FaceTheFacts
#hopium #collapse #TalkCollapse #overshoot #sixthmassextinction #crashcourse #FaceTheFacts