This comment might be trolling, never the less, it's the only comment that a #FacebookPR algorithm put in my feed.
Why would $FB choose to promote a fawning comment about a right wing captain of industryā¯“
Its been two weeks since #Australia declared #Facebook the leader of the nation.
Cue the warm fuzzy "local Facebook" stories:
Fucking hell.
#Fakebook #fakeNews #abcFakeNews #corruptedMedia #corporateMedia #facebookHasRefriendedAustralia #ABCDotNetDotAu #FacebookPR #paidOffMedia #bribery #legalisedBribery #conflictOfInterest #kellieScott #MHWashing
#australia #facebook #fakebook #fakenews #abcFakeNews #corruptedMedia #corporatemedia #facebookHasReFriendedAustralia #ABCDotNetDotAu #FacebookPR #paidOffMedia #bribery #legalisedbribery #conflictofinterest #kellieScott #MHWashing