Ne viss, ko mēs redzam tiešsaistē, ir patiesība.
Pirms dalies ar ierakstu, padomā:
✔️ Vai šis profils ir uzticams?
✔️ Kas ir avots?
✔️ Kāpēc tu ar to dalies?
✔️ Kad tas tika publicēts?
✔️ Vai vēl kāds par to ziņo?
#FactsMatter #TakeCareBeforeYouShare
#FactsMatter #TakeCareBeforeYouShare
Re Dažkārt maldinošā informācija, kas tiek plaši izplatīta caur sociālo plašsaziņas līdzekļu viltus kontiem, arī izmantojot “botus”, var izrādīties ļoti kaitējoša gan Tev, gan Taviem tuviniekiem. Neļaujiet botiem sevi apmuļķot, ieskaties 👉
Ne verjemite vsemu, kar vidite na spletu! Ni vse res! Preden delite, vedno preverite:
✔️Kdo je avtor?
✔️Kakšen je vir?
✔️Od kod jeℹprišla?
✔️Kdaj je bila objavljena?
✔️Zakaj bi jo delili?
Skupaj preprečujmo širjenje dezinformacij! Vsak klik šteje!👇
#EUvsDisinfo #FactsMatter
Die Verantwortung und Mitwirkung 🇦🇹Österreichs am 🇪🇺europäischen Gesetzgebungsprozess, aktuelle Politiken und die 🗳️#Europawahl 2024 standen im Mittelpunkt der Gespräche im Europäischen Parlament.
Netzwerk #EUropaInDerSchule #EuropaLernen #FactsMatter
#Europawahl #EUropainderSchule #EuropaLernen #FactsMatter
No tot el que veiem en Internet és cert.
Abans de compartir-ho, comprova:
✔️ QUI està darrere?
✔️ QUINA és la font?
✔️ D'ON procedeix?
✔️ PER QUÈ ho comparteixes?
✔️ QUAN es va publicar?
Lluitem contra la desinformació, clic a clic.
No todo lo que vemos en Internet es cierto.
Antes de compartirlo, comprueba:
✔️ ¿QUIÉN está detrás?
✔️ ¿CUÁL es la fuente?
✔️ ¿DE DÓNDE procede?
✔️ ¿POR QUÉ lo compartes?
✔️ ¿CUÁNDO se publicó?
Luchemos contra la desinformación, clic a clic.
RT @Geronimos_Law: Let’s not forget that it was Defra’s CHOICE to persist in the killing of healthy #Geronimo since 2017 & hide their prior knowledge by dogma & dishonesty-their cover up & deceit were found out by the factual evidence #PublicInquiry #honesty #TellTheTruth #FactsMatter #FactCheck
#factcheck #FactsMatter #tellthetruth #honesty #PublicInquiry #geronimo
this is the kind of stuff that gives ya’ ulcers…
RT @Geronimos_Law: Let’s not forget that it was Defra’s CHOICE to persist in the killing of healthy #Geronimo since 2017 & hide their prior knowledge by dogma & dishonesty-their cover up & deceit were found out by the factual evidence #PublicInquiry #honesty #TellTheTruth #FactsMatter #FactCheck
#factcheck #FactsMatter #tellthetruth #honesty #PublicInquiry #geronimo
Buča je postala sinonim za grozodejstva Rusije v Ukrajini.
Kar je sledilo, jasno kaže, kako je Rusija poskušala skriti svoje zločine pod plazom laži. Rusija mora odgovarjati. @EUvsDisinfo 👇
#FactsMatter #StandWithUkraine #EUvsDisinfo
#FactsMatter #StandWithUkraine #EUvsDisinfo
Ruska diplomacija ponavlja stare laži o nezakonito priključenem Krimu, medtem ko Putina išče @IntlCrimCourt zaradi vojnih zločinov.
Preberite več na @EUvsDisinfo 👇
#FactsMatter #EUvsDisinfo #DisinfoReview
#FactsMatter #EUvsDisinfo #DisinfoReview
RT @IrlagainstFash: #FactsMatter excerpt from TG4 documentary reported by Kevin Magee on far-right disinformation.
@JohnTyndall1934 I didn’t express political opinions whilst working in the NHS or at the BBC #factsmatter
PSA- before you toot some possibly igniting information, get your facts checked and gather the citations. I don’t have the time or energy to do your research for you. Please include sources/citations for what you toot if it is clearly not just an opinion. Thank you!
#DontBeAWanker #FactsMatter #KeepingItReal
#dontbeawanker #FactsMatter #keepingitreal
[Rappel] Ursula @vonderleyen et la @EU_Commission mettent des propositions sur la table des États membres & du Parlement européen, mais ne les adoptent pas.
Pour plus d'informations sur le fonctionnement de l'UE 🇪🇺 →
💬Z dezinformacijami se ne ukvarjamo zato, ker nam niso všeč.
Proti njim moramo ukrepati zato, da zaščitimo varnost Evropejcev in volitve, ki so naše glavno demokratično orodje.
Poplava dezinformacij jim bi lahko zelo škodila in spreminjala rezultate.@VeraJourova #FactsMatter
🔴DANES ob +/- 11.00❗o svobodi medijev & dezinformacijah👇
Z nami bodo podpreds. 🇪🇺Komisije @VeraJourova, preds.🇸🇮 @nmusar, veleposlanik🇺🇦 A. Taran @UKRinSLO
🎥Spremljajte prek spleta na naši FB strani, Zoom #STAvživo
#STAvživo #EUvsDisinfo #FactsMatter
RT @ktowens: #FactsMatter but so does community engagement
Help us nudge people to ask questions about vaccination where they can get accurate information
1⃣Download the #UnitedInProtection poster
2⃣Print it out
3⃣Hang it in your office/surgery/pharmacy
#FactsMatter #UnitedInProtection #VaccinesWork
Dezinformacije so utrle pot ruski invaziji na Ukrajino.
Preverite 12 prevladujočih mitov o ruski brutalni agresiji na Ukrajino 👇 in spremljajte @EUvsDisinfo.
#disinformation #FactsMatter #EUvsDisinfo #DontBeDeceived #StandWithUkraine
#disinformation #FactsMatter #EUvsDisinfo #DontBeDeceived #StandWithUkraine
RT @stephen_quest: Scientists have been fiercely fighting #COVID19. But not just on the health front… the fight against #misinformation has also been a tough one!
@EU_ScienceHub analysed the widely circulated narratives & most efficient ways to counter them 👉 #FactsMatter
#COVID19 #misinformation #FactsMatter