#OTP can be systemically abused by providers for the gains and consumer has no recourse. Even after 84000 consumers were harmed - there has been no regulatory action against @mybfil on the matter. #FairDigitalFinance @RBI ?
#CashlessConsumer, @internetfreedom & everyone wanting a #FairDigitalFinance, want regulatory action around acts of omission causing consumer harm.
@RBI is yet to say a word on #BFILConsent, even as it had knowledge of it for more than 6 months.
We demand releasing audit report
RT @internetfreedom
Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited disbursed 84,000 loans without getting the customer consent recorded. This digital lending prac…
#cashlessconsumer #FairDigitalFinance #BFILConsent
Superb #HallOfShame thread of companies that deserve the severest condemnation for exploiting and abusing the trust of their customers.
RT @logic@twitter.com
On #WorldConsumerRightsDay themed on #FairDigitalFinance - today's #HallOfShame is for @olamoney_in@twitter.com for this deemed consent to credit information upon it sending a mail, unless opted out within 10 days.
#CashlessConsumer will list #HallOfShame on unfair digital finance practices
#cashlessconsumer #FairDigitalFinance #WorldConsumerRightsDay #hallofshame
Superb #HallOfShame thread of companies that deserve the severest condemnation for exploiting and abusing the trust of their customers.
RT @logic@twitter.com
On #WorldConsumerRightsDay themed on #FairDigitalFinance - today's #HallOfShame is for @olamoney_in@twitter.com for this deemed consent to credit information upon it sending a mail, unless opted out within 10 days.
#CashlessConsumer will list #HallOfShame on unfair digital finance practices
#cashlessconsumer #FairDigitalFinance #WorldConsumerRightsDay #hallofshame
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #HallOfShame - For having the most numb product team and keeping the website without a privacy policy / terms of service, ~6 months after being flagged by malware vendors as phishing site - @billdesk #SIHub -
RT @logic
So its almost a month, but #SIHub doesn't care about getting itself removed from Phishing database - that is because there is no privacy policy / terms of use!!.
The domain lis…
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #hallofshame #SIHub
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #HallOfShame - The UX 'green' pattern goes to @juspay for visually decieving to obtain consent.
RT @logic
The merchant - before the #2FA page, redirected to #JusPay page which said "Secure your card with VISA" and had an "Secure & Pay" in a big green button and "Opt Out" in a smaller font plain link.
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #hallofshame #2fa #JusPay
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #HallOfShame For getting a mention from @troyhunt after losing data to breach and being in denial.
RT @troyhunt
Never *ever* behave like @MobiKwik has in this thread from 25 days ago. Try Googling “mobikwik data breach” now... https://twitter.com/MobiKwik/status/1367489330902675463
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #hallofshame
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #HallOfShame Special mention to @BYJUS for getting a parliamentary mention on abusive practices of loan dumping.
RT @YuvrajNanda
Such productive parliament sessions are certainly the need of the hour for India. Kudos to @KartiPC for bringing up this heavily serious issue of EdTech Scams across India. Well done!
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #hallofshame
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #HallOfShame - Abuse enabler award goes to @ADVANCEAI_ for enabling facial recognition and facial multi loan score data provider to every one of the abusive #KillerLoanApps
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #hallofshame #KillerLoanApps
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #HallOfShame - Shared nominations - @ICICIBank @Shopx_Ind @IDFCFIRSTBank for abusing #PennyDrop to build databases of people without their consent
Read more on #PennyDrop abuse 👇
RT @logic
This is @ICICIBank selling anyone's name associated to any bank account for ₹ 99 (incl GST). The person whose privacy got violated will be paid ₹ 1. Which genious comes with product like this ? #Pennydrop AP…
#FairDigitalFinance #Pennydrop #WorldConsumerRightsDay #hallofshame
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #HallOfShame - @mybfil - for the #ConsentScam they called as 'Technical Glitch' and autorenewed 84000 loans without consumer consent for evergreening portfolios - https://hasgeek.com/cashlessconsumer/digital-lending-watchtower/sub/citizens-report-on-bfil-consent-scam-QkfbjzoFFYgXEAibzMWfAJ
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #hallofshame #ConsentScam
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #HallOfShame - @dhanicares for having 0 checks on KYC and dumping loans on random people
RT @adityakalra
Shocking revelation in my credit report. A loan disbursed by IVL Finance (Indiabulls) @dhanicares with my PAN number & name, addresses in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. I have no clue. How can a disbursal happen on my name and PAN. In default already @RBI @IncomeTaxIndia @nsitharaman
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #hallofshame
On #WorldConsumerRightsDay themed on #FairDigitalFinance - today's #HallOfShame is for @olamoney_in for this deemed consent to credit information upon it sending a mail, unless opted out within 10 days.
#CashlessConsumer will list #HallOfShame on unfair digital finance practices
#WorldConsumerRightsDay #FairDigitalFinance #hallofshame #cashlessconsumer