The new #Fairphone5 looks sick! Glad to see that Fairphone continues to stay as a good, ethical, sustainable, repairable alternative to other #smartphones in the market. I'm loving my #Fairphone4 with a custom Android ROM right now.
If you wanna buy a new phone and don't wanna go second hand, I can wholeheartedly recommend a #Fairphone - it's not perfect (ie. no headphone jack), but when it comes to new phones it's the best option.
Buy one phone, keep it until 2031. Sounds genius to me.
#FairPhone #FairPhone4 #Smartphones #Fairphone5
The new #Fairphone5 looks sick! Glad to see that Fairphone continues to stay as a good, ethical, sustainable, repairable alternative to other #smartphones in the market. I'm loving my #Fairphone4
#FairPhone4 #Smartphones #Fairphone5
Having to buy a new phone is a nightmare. On the one hand I like the idea of a sustainable phone like the #FairPhone4 but on the other hand I am a bit hesitant due to its specs, especially compared with the #googlepixel7a and the like. But I also hate the idea of going the cheap and flashy route just to me forced to buy another phone after just 2 years or so. You just can't win with capitalism it seems. 😢
My #FairPhone4 is now running the latest security patches and #Android12
I love this phone!
@MagicLike @Fairphone I explicitly chose to buy the #Fairphone3plus instead of the #Fairphone4 because not only do I want real #DualSIM but I want and need that #HeadphoneJack...
If they had a real #DualSIM [and put the #eSIM on a #NanoSIM card!] as well as included a direct adaptor to do USB-C + Headphone jack in the box I would've likely chosen otherwise:
#nanosim #esim #headphonejack #DualSIM #FairPhone4 #Fairphone3Plus
@LunaDragofelis Personally, I would recommend the #Fairphone3Plus or if you need #5G - the #Fairphone4 cuz I'd never spend absurd amounts on a device.
Plus both have toolfree-swappable batteries that can easily get - like everything else...
#FairPhone4 #5G #Fairphone3Plus
Tellement de stress avec ses écouteurs, peur de les perdre, qu'ils tombent, même les plus petits ont du mal à rentrer dans mes oreilles... Pfff
Convinced that the #FairPhone4 is staying, I put the screen protector on it.
The phone is just great.
@Beatlesandworms Thank you. My 'old' (2 yo) phone refuses to make notification sounds. Which is very unhelpful if you schedule appointments.
Definitely looking forward to the new #Fairphone4 as it's the most environmentally friendly and fixable phone in the market. (And it's Dutch like I am, but that's a detail.)
I'll probably get a #FairPhone4 once my #oneplus 7 dies. 5 years of support feels nice and to that I'm able to replace broken parts is just awesome.