EU Council pushes for ‘minimum harmonisation’ in draft telecom law #CounciloftheEU #fairshare #GIA #GigabitInfrastructureAct
#counciloftheeu #FairShare #GIA #gigabitinfrastructureact
EU Council pushes for ‘minimum harmonisation’ in draft telecom law #CounciloftheEU #fairshare #GIA #GigabitInfrastructureAct
#counciloftheeu #FairShare #GIA #gigabitinfrastructureact
RT Błażej
Składanie się firm na infrastrukturę #Telco? Takie, rzeczy tylko w 🇪🇺 nie w wolnorynkowych 🇺🇸...a nie czekaj @mattjweinberg @thehill o tym dlaczego "finansowanie autostrad podatkiem od podków" nie ma sensu i dlaczego #BigTech powinny ponieść #FairShare 1/2
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Błażej: #FairShare, udział #BigTech w finansowaniu infrastruktury przesyłu danych w UE #telco #5G i in.
Po piątkowej @EUCouncil
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10:8 ...cdn.
Do 2030 brakuje nam 200 z 300mld€ na #DigitalDecade #DigitalCompass
#telco #bigtech #FairShare #5G #DigitalDecade #digitalcompass
The Real Reason Social Security Is in Danger | Robert Reich
#law #FairShare #socialsecurity #retirement #taxes
#NetworkFees Rejected: What Stakeholders Responded to the 🇪🇺 Commission’s Consultation on the #FairShare Demands of #Telcos
💬 The consensus is clear: "network fees address a non-existent problem, but will create new ones." #NetNeutrality
#networkfees #FairShare #telcos #netneutrality
Stakeholders divided over extent of issues faced by telecom sector #connectivity #fairshare #Telecoms
#connectivity #FairShare #telecoms
🇬🇧 Majority in EU Parliament calls for “#fairshare” data toll and threatens #netneutrality. This risks slowing down the Internet and making services more expensive. The Internet must remain an engine of knowledge and innovation!
EU Parliament asks large traffic operators to chip in on networks costs #Competitionpolicy #EuropeaParliament #fairshare #GAFAM #internettax
#competitionpolicy #europeaparliament #FairShare #gafam #InternetTax
EU Parliament asks large traffic operators to chip in on networks costs #Competitionpolicy #EuropeaParliament #fairshare #GAFAM #internettax
#competitionpolicy #europeaparliament #FairShare #gafam #InternetTax
The Future of the electronic communications sector; towards a European success story? [Promoted content] #fairshare #telecomnetworks #twintransition
#FairShare #telecomnetworks #twintransition
Note to @EC_Commissioner_Breton:
"A large majority of [EU] member countries rejected the idea of splitting the costs of the #networks with content providers" due to "the lack of a fact-based approach or evidence of an #investment gap, the risk of driving up prices and the risk to net neutrality. “Let’s not overreact to non-existent market failure,” reportedly argued Germany." (Politico)
#networks #investment #netneutrality #UnfairShare #networkfee #FairShare
RT @bpaskal: #FairShare, udział #BigTech w finansowaniu infrastruktury przesyłu danych w UE #telco #5G i in.
Po piątkowej @EUCouncil
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10:8 ...cdn.
Do 2030 brakuje nam 200 z 300mld€ na #DigitalDecade #DigitalCompass
#FairShare #bigtech #telco #5G #DigitalDecade #digitalcompass
US telecom regulator throws his weight behind EU senders-pay initiative #5G #BrendanCarr #fairshare #FederalCommunicationsCommission
#5G #BrendanCarr #FairShare #federalcommunicationscommission
"The #FairShare demands of a few big telcos have dominated the debate. ☎️ Upon closer inspection, however, none of these #telco claims stand up to scrutiny."
Press release 📑 EU #NetworkFees Lack Justification and Would Harm Europeans
#FairShare #telco #networkfees
Telecoms stakeholders look to sector reset amid declining profits #EUtelecommunications #fairshare #telecomoperators
#eutelecommunications #FairShare #telecomoperators
🇬🇧 The planned #FairShare data toll is a threat to internet freedom and data protection. Together with a broad alliance, I call for an end to these dangerous plans & instead investments in the expansion of infra-structure & data security:
🇩🇪D. geplante #FairShare-#Datenmaut ist eine Bedrohung für die Freiheit des Internets & den Datenschutz. Mit einer breiten Allianz fordere ich ein Ende dieser gefährlichen Pläne & stattdessen Investitionen in den Ausbau von Infrastruktur & Datensicherheit:
🇬🇧 The planned #FairShare data toll is a threat to internet freedom and data protection. Together with a broad alliance, I call for an end to these dangerous plans & instead investments in the expansion of infra-structure & data security:
🇩🇪D. geplante #FairShare-#Datenmaut ist eine Bedrohung für die Freiheit des Internets & den Datenschutz. Mit einer breiten Allianz fordere ich ein Ende dieser gefährlichen Pläne & stattdessen Investitionen in den Ausbau von Infrastruktur & Datensicherheit:
🔥 #NetworkFees: 🇩🇰 Denmark says NO❗
In an information note to the @folketinget, the Government warns for the possible negative impact on market dynamics & consumers, and clearly states that there is no need for such measures in Denmark