Wie das #OLGStuttgart mit der Verbreitung seiner falschen Behauptung der RDL Artikel-Verfasser sei "zweifelsfrei" vom Propagandawillen für #linksinten.indymedia getrieben in einer PM vom 12.6.23 den Grundsatz des #fairtrial unterminiert - Interview am 22.6.23 in RDL https://rdl.de/beitrag/olg-beschluss-entbehrt-nicht-nur-aus-grundgesetz-folgenden-ma-st-ben-der-pressefreiheit
#olgstuttgart #linksinten #FairTrial
RT @ThbAml: Deputy head of @EUinKenya, @HagemannKatrin speaks on the sidelines of Africa Regional meeting on pretrial detention challenges, taking place in Nairobi, reiterating why the EU supports African countries in tackling money laundering challenges
#FairTrial https://t.co/ZlxRLQ9qFR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinKenya/status/1659177034528989187
RT @sl_pedroso@twitter.com
Day 5 of strike & protest of Defence & LRV Support Staff of the #ICC fighting for basic labour/human rights. We’ve received support all week from staff of the Court, NGOs, diplomats and other allies. Very grateful for the solidarity 🙏 #ASP21 let’s change this system #fairtrial
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sl_pedroso/status/1601171785143136256
Stell dir vor, der Ermittlungsrichter verkündet einen #Haftbefehl und Medien wissen mehr als die #Strafverteidiger der Beschuldigten.
#Rechtsstaat #Reichsbuerger #FairTrial
http://uebermedien.de/79789/stell-di… von @uebermedien@twitter.com
#haftbefehl #strafverteidiger #rechtsstaat #Reichsbuerger #FairTrial
Stell dir vor, der Ermittlungsrichter verkündet einen #Haftbefehl und Medien wissen offenbar mehr als die #Strafverteidiger der Beschuldigten
Darüber wird zu reden sein, @GBA_b_BGH@twitter.com
#Rechtsstaat #Reichsbuerger #FairTrial
https://uebermedien.de/79789/stell-dir-vor-es-ist-razzia-und-alle-medien-sind-schon-da/ von @uebermedien@twitter.com
#haftbefehl #strafverteidiger #rechtsstaat #Reichsbuerger #FairTrial
#ECJHighlights 27/10
⚖️ (J): Processing of #PersonalData – erasure request #Proximus (C-129/21)
⚖️ (O): Interpretation of ‘’trial resulting in the decision’’ #EAW #fairtrial (2 cases)
⚖️ (O): Genetically modified plant varieties – release of #GMO into the #environment (C-688/21)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUCourtPress/status/1583392589298139136
#ECJHighlights #PersonalData #Proximus #EAW #FairTrial #GMO #environment
#ECJHighlights 27/10
⚖️ (J): Processing of #PersonalData – erasure request #Proximus (C-129/21)
⚖️ (O): Interpretation of ‘’trial resulting in the decision’’ #EAW #fairtrial (2 cases)
⚖️ (O): Genetically modified plant varieties – release of #GMO into the #environment (C-688/21)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUCourtPress/status/1583392589298139136
#ECJHighlights #PersonalData #Proximus #EAW #FairTrial #GMO #environment
RT @EUCourtPress: #ECJHighlights 27/10
⚖️ (J): Processing of #PersonalData – erasure request #Proximus (C-129/21)
⚖️ (O): Interpretation of ‘’trial resulting in the decision’’ #EAW #fairtrial (2 cases)
⚖️ (O): Genetically modified plant varieties – release of #GMO into the #environment (C-688/21)
#ECJHighlights #PersonalData #Proximus #EAW #FairTrial #GMO #environment
#ECJHighlights 27/10
⚖️ (J): Processing of #PersonalData – erasure request #Proximus (C-129/21)
⚖️ (O): Interpretation of ‘’trial resulting in the decision’’ #EAW #fairtrial (2 cases)
⚖️ (O): Genetically modified plant varieties – release of #GMO into the #environment (C-688/21)
#ECJHighlights #PersonalData #Proximus #EAW #FairTrial #GMO #environment
#ECJHighlights 27/10
⚖️ (J): Processing of #PersonalData – erasure request #Proximus (C-129/21)
⚖️ (O): Interpretation of ‘’trial resulting in the decision’’ #EAW #fairtrial (2 cases)
⚖️ (O): Genetically modified plant varieties – release of #GMO into the #environment (C-688/21)
#ECJHighlights #PersonalData #Proximus #EAW #FairTrial #GMO #environment
#ECJ #AG Richard de la Tour: a judicial authority cannot refuse to execute a #EAW on the basis of the risk of violation of the right to a #FairTrial, if the existence of deficiencies affecting the issuing Member State’s judicial system has not been demonstrated
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUCourtPress/status/1547501603707621376
#ECJ #AG Richard de la Tour: a judicial authority cannot refuse to execute a #EAW on the basis of the risk of violation of the right to a #FairTrial, if the existence of deficiencies affecting the issuing Member State’s judicial system has not been demonstrated
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUCourtPress/status/1547501603707621376
#ECJ #AG Richard de la Tour: a judicial authority cannot refuse to execute a #EAW on the basis of the risk of violation of the right to a #FairTrial, if the existence of deficiencies affecting the issuing Member State’s judicial system has not been demonstrated
RT @EldhLaw: To the OIAD: Information on massive Espionage perpetrated on seven Spanish Lawyers using the Pegasus programme
#Spain #FairTrial #RighttoDefense @chdgenelmerkez @DJS_JDS @SocialistLawyer @vdj @AED_EDL @giurdem
#Spain #FairTrial #RighttoDefense