I've never seen a #Fairlight #CMIβthe OG of all #samplersβin person. But I saw this footage of Peter Vogel demonstrating the CMI when I was an #EE undergrad in the early 1980s.
I attribute the CMI for seeding my life-long fascination with #DSP.
#dsp #ee #samplers #cmi #Fairlight
π I think I'm falling in love with mixing in #fairlight
#Fairlight #justedit #justmixit #hollydaysinmycutcave
2k Ghostscroll (Intro Creation Competition 2022) (Commodore 64) (C64) (2k Intro)
#2kGhostscroll #2kIntro #C64 #Commodore #Commodore64 #Fairlight
2k Ghostscroll by Fairlight is a 2k Intro released at 'Intro Creation Competition 2022' for Commodore 64.β...
#Fairlight #commodore64 #commodore #c64 #2kintro #2kghostscroll
Orbit Untold (Intro Creation Competition 2022) (Commodore 64) (C64) (Intro)
#C64 #Commodore #Commodore64 #Fairlight #Intro #OrbitUntold
Orbit Untold by Fairlight is an Intro released at 'Intro Creation Competition 2022' for Commodore 64.β...
#orbituntold #intro #Fairlight #commodore64 #commodore #c64
Here's my video production stack for #youtube
Video Editing: #resolve / #fcpx
Audio Mixing #logicpro / #fairlight
Motion Graphics: #fusion
Graphics: #affinityphoto
Vector: #affinitydesigner
Stock Assets: #envatoelements
Video Plugins: #motionfvx
Editing Computer: #MacbookPro #M1Max
The only subscription is for Envato Elements.
I dumped Adobe in 2017 and haven't looked back.
#M1Max #macbookpro #motionfvx #envatoelements #affinitydesigner #affinityphoto #fusion #Fairlight #logicpro #FCPX #resolve #youtube
Do you use Davinci Resolve?
What are your best hacks/tricks for a productive workflow?
#Fairlight #fusion #resolve #davinci #davinciresolve
Anyone using Davinci Resolve, what are your best hacks/tricks for a productive workflow?
#Fairlight #fusion #resolve #davinci #davinciresolve
Ballscreener (Transmission64 2022) (Commodore 64) (C64) (4k Intro)
#Ballscreener #C64 #COMMODORE #Commodore64 #Fairlight #Intro
#intro #Fairlight #commodore64 #commodore #c64 #ballscreener
Commodore 64 1mHz/16 colors power \0/ --No Mercy for the Trooper [2021] https://csdb.dk/release/?id=200809 #IronMaiden #8bit #Commodore64 #C64 #DemoScene #Atlantis #Fairlight
#ironmaiden #8bit #c64 #commodore64 #atlantis #Fairlight #demoscene
β Welche DAW? Neben #Hindenburg gammeln noch #Steinberg, #Audacity, #Prosonus, #Reaper, #Garageband ... irgendwo auf meiner Platte rum. Dazu Helferlein wie #VLC, #Handbrake & Co.
Abgesehen von Hindi, benutz benutz ich alle anderen nur gelegentlich. Daher der Wunsch nach einer eierlegenden Wollmichsau.
Und ich meine, die in der Kombination #Fairlight (in #DavinciResolve Studio 295EUR) und HindenburgJP 375EUR gefunden zu haben.
Hat noch jemand diese Kombi und kann Erfahrungen berichten?
#Hindenburg #Steinberg #audacity #Prosonus #reaper #garageband #vlc #handbrake #Fairlight #davinciresolve