Ein gutes Beispiel für "Es gibt kein richtiges Leben im Falschen": Seit dem #Fairphone 4 hat Ihr Unternehmen den Produktzyklus auf zwei Jahre verkürzt. Das ist zwar immer noch länger als bei anderen #Smartphone-Herstellern üblich, aber eine Verkürzung des Produktzyklus widerspricht irgendwo dem Nachhaltigkeitsgedanken. #repair #recycle https://www.heise.de/news/Neuer-Fairphone-CEO-im-Interview-Wollen-500-000-Smartphones-verkaufen-9292879.html
#Fairphone #smartphone #repair #recycle
I would love to have a #Fairphone and the #Fairphone5 looks great. 💚
- my phone is still working (even if I destroyed the charging slot a bit... 🫣)
- the Fairphone 5 is larger and weighs much more than my #Xperia 10iii...
- as ecologist being often out in the field while raining and snowing, I need IP67 protection... 🌧️
- also: as #audiophile I like to have a 3.5mm jack plug 😇
Who is buying a Fairphone 5?
#audiophile #xperia #Fairphone5 #Fairphone
Fairphone 5 je dodáván s operačním systémem Android 13 a měl by dostávat aktualizace operačního systému až do verze Android 18! Bezpečnostní aktualizace až do roku 2031. Jednoduché opravy, 70% recyklovaných materiálů. Ten telefon se mi začíná líbit :-)
#Fairphone 👍
dieser Innere Konflikt zwischen "Ich liebe gute neue Technik" und "Ich will nachhaltig leben"
vor 6 Wochen deswegen dann als inneren Kompromiss ein Fairphone 4 gekauft....
Fairphone so: Hier kommt das Fairphone 5 am 30.8.
Mit höchstwahrscheinlich besserem Akku.Was auch noch der Kritikpunkt von mir an dem FP4 ist...
Jetzt bin ich wieder an dem Punkt der inneren Zerrissenheit. Toll.
As someone who is currently pretty stuck in #Apple 's ecosystem, I find myself dreaming of a #fairphone #framework #ubuntu setup often. I have already moved out of any public clouds and host my own photo backup and password manager. I think what is holding me back, besides not wanting to buy new devices, is the fear of things not working when I need to get stuff done. Plus AirDrop and univeral copy/paste are pretty nice.
#apple #Fairphone #framework #ubuntu
@mathiasrenner @Fairphone cool! War bei mir bisher nicht nötig. Das #Fairphone erweist sich als ziemlich robust.
@simon_brooke @skyfaller @hexmasteen @Fairphone
And someone tells me in my earbud that #Fairphone *does* have #earbuds already...
@simon_brooke @skyfaller @hexmasteen @Fairphone those are good points indeed. Maybe there's a market for #Fairphone to design and sell more sustainable and repairable earbuds. I don't use them, I don't like having them in my ears. And I don't know why Fairphone decided against the 3,5mm jack output.
We at the #FediverseFoundation run a lot of services.
Some of them are little known yet.
I'd be very happy if these would get more active users:
:VeryClimate: https://climatescienc.es
MAU: 2
A :masto: instance for #climate scientists, scholars and science projects.
🤗 https://mental.camp
MAU: 3
A :pixelfed: instance for people talking about (their) #MentalHealth.
🎵 https://indiepop.band
MAU: 3
A :masto: instance for everybody who likes or makes #indie music.
:FP: https://social.fairphone.community
MAU: 6
A :masto: instance for the #Fairphone community.
:joinfediversewiki: https://joinfediverse.wiki
MAU: 13 (editors, not visitors)
The :MediaWiki: wiki about the Fediverse.
🔮 https://mtg.garden
MAU: 18
A :masto: community for one of the greatest games ever.
Join us!
Here you can find out more about the Fediverse Foundation and a list of all our instances/services:
#FediverseFoundation #climate #mentalhealth #indie #Fairphone
Woooooooooooooot! I've just gotten cellular Internet working on my FairPhone running UBPorts Ubuntu Touch on the T-Mobile network in the USA using these APN cellular settings: https://forums.ubports.com/topic/8338/usa-t-mobile-and-mvno-settings-for-a-fully-functional-ut-device?lang=en-US
Thanks to the amazing support of Muhammad! (https://gitlab.com/muhammad23012009)
#Fairphone #Fairphone4 #ub #ubuntutouch #FOSS #floss
Just received my new Fair Phone 4, installed Ubuntu Touch 20.04, and everything seems to be working perfectly!
- Calls & texts
- Camera photos & videos
- Bluetooth headset & keyboard
- sshd & ssh
#fairphone #ubuntutouch #ubports #foss #flosh #righttorepair #sustainable #nogoogle #noapple #nomicrosoft
#Fairphone #ubuntutouch #ubports #FOSS #flosh #RightToRepair #sustainable #NoGoogle #noApple #nomicrosoft
Also anyone using a #FairPhone with #LineageOS #MicroG and ideally #Magisk
#Fairphone #lineageos #microg #magisk
#Murena has a 10/10 user support. My Murena #Fairphone 4 had some ghost input issues, it got repaired and it's working without any issues.
BTW. #eOS is a really nice Android OS. Paired with beautiful hardware such as the FairPhone 4, I have basically no wish to use anything different.
In Leiden for a conference, and my lovely #Fairphone seems to have kicked the bucket. Grateful for their 5 year warranty, less grateful that the response to me running #Calyx was that it was obviously a software bug. They do get points for reevaluating when I pointed out that I did some of the development work for the #lineageos port and seeing about waiving the flashing fee.
@Boerps Ich hoffe, dass mein #Fairphone ein bisschen anders hergestellt wird.
Nokia following in the footsteps of @Fairphone
#Fairphone #Green
Nokia launches DIY repairable budget Android phone
@LuukasAhola Jos etsit läppäriä, niin kuukausia takaperin katselin kierrätyskeskuksessa x260 läppäreitä 80e. Näitä ei kyllä tosin tule aina vastaan.
Vai etsitkö jotain muuta?
Eettisesti kestävää rautaa ei nähdäkseni tehdä ollenkaan. Lähimpänä lienee #fairphone, mutta sekin on vain puhelin ja vain vähemmän hirveissä oloissa tehty tuote. Kaikki elektroniikan tuottaminen (nykyisellään) pitäisi olla rikollista, mutta ei ole, koska voitot ja globaali kapitalismi. Ainoa mitenkään kestävä tapa on ostaa käytettyä rautaa.