So you are using a Fairphone (which one) with a locked bootloader and verified boot? Looks like somebody did it on an #Fairphone4: https://movim.slavino.org/?node/pubsub.slavino.sk/planetdebian/8c7af57f5be8785351315839463bed05
But isn't the whole point of #Shizuku not needing a fully rooted device / a shell with superuser? 🤔
I will NOT buy the new #FairPhone5, because my #FairPhone4 is just in its second year and does very well. The goal is to run it 5 to 7 years. I bought it for €650,- You can do the math yourself.
But maybe you need a new #Smartphone now. Then you should at least watch this video.
➡️ https://youtu.be/WEvaun63hzY?si=GEykKA00idFLhi8s
#fairphone5 #Fairphone4 #Smartphone
Musste das erste Mal Hand anlegen an meinem #fp4 - neues Display rein.
In Kürze: 8 Schrauben lösen, Display und Kabel lösen, neues Display mit Kabel ran und Schrauben wieder rein. Fertig. Dauer: unter 5min. Einfach top.
Ersatzteil Display hat "leider" einen grauen Rand - nicht so wie das Original schwarz.
Meine Frau meinte: "Das war Mal grün!" und zeigte mir ihr baugleiches #fp4.
Ok, hab's geschafft aus grün schwarz zu machen - darum wohl auch der Tausch notwendig 😜
Auf dem Weg zum Lidl mal die Kamera vom #Fairphone4 an einem Motiv für @gleis3a ausprobiert... :blobcatcamera:
@defmetaltones Yep, I'm writing this reply on my #Fairphone4. How can I help?
Spent a while looking for a case and found this one! A slim hard-case because the phone itself is bulky enough and does not need embiggening.
This case is mainly available in EU but there was one for sale in UK on amazon, though limited colours.
Feels nice in the hand and looks good as well. It does feel bulkier but not as much as other cases will be.
Falls ihr euch fragt, ob mobiles bezahlen auch mit einem #googlefreien #Murena funktioniert:
Ja, tut es und zwar problemlos ☺
Getetst mit Fairphone4 und der Lösung der #Sparkasse
Der Aspekt #Datenschutz beim Bezahle mit Karte/Mobil ist hier leider trotzdem doof.
#googlefreien #Murena #sparkasse #datenschutz #android #fairphone #Fairphone4
This* was the screen protector, made by atFoliX. The fit is super tight to the edge and the cut-outs fit around the camera, speaker and sensors nicely.
Feels like a screen protector, so will be interesting to see if it feels as ok in a week or two.
*may not be, going to verify and edit 😅
Okay. Das ist auch schön. Aber das zählt nicht. Das hab ich nämlich mit meinem #Fairphone4 gemacht, und mit #GIMP etwas nachgeholfen.
Do I just wait? Like there's zero indication that an update is happening except from a notification long since disappeared.
There's no manual option aside from ADB from the computer. Which, like, alright but why is there no option to just 'install' and have it run in the foreground?
The update is there, the changelog is there. Confusing.
Dites #Orange, on vous dérange pas trop à installer sans autorisation vos applis bourrées de spywares sur un tel qui ne vous appartient pas ? Mon tel se met à faire des choses bizarres, et ça arrive bizarrement après que vos bloatwares se soient installés tous seuls, dont des applis chinoises douteuses. Tout ça sur un #Fairphone4 tout ce qu'il y a de plus classique ?
It's not #degoogled at all. However, there are companies that sell degoogled versions of #Fairphone4 with alternative OSes preinstalled.
Yeah, Mrs Wife's hand span is about 30mm less than mine, and I think that's typical for cis men and women. I really don't know why someone inside phone companies hasn't worked it out. They could sweep the market.
@9x0rg je comprends très bien le 0 Google :) Mon tel est un #Fairphone4 , mais je n'ai pas sauté le pas de virer tout Google.
#iodéOS #Fairphone4 #install
Gut dokumentiert:
#iode #android #fairphone3 #Fairphone4 Da ich im digitalen Alltag wert auf Entscheidungsfreiheit wohin meine Daten fließen lege, teste ich aktuell das Betriebssystem der französischen Entwicklerfirma.
#iode #android #fairphone3 #Fairphone4
Geen idee waarom, maar het scannen van mijn paspoort in de #DigiD-app voor zijn ID-check lukt niet op mijn #Fairphone4. De chip wordt zo te zien wel uitgelezen, maar na een paar seconden zegt de DigiD-app dat de ID-check is mislukt. Zonde, want hetzelfde werkte, naar mijn herinnering, wel in de app van #ING. Heeft de app een bug, of zijn de servers stuk?
I'm looking for #Fairphone owners. Especially ones that came from iPhones to a #Fairphone4. What is your experience? I'm considering switching.
I bought Mrs Wife a #Fairphone4 this weekend after she broke her Pixel for the third time. We both agreed she needed something more repairable.
Quick tip: if you're in the UK and you want an FP4, it may not be cheapest to buy it from the #Fairphone Web site. I bought from a UK-based store, and I got £30 off and a free pair of Fairbuds.