It's still crazy that the Fair Phone will receive Android updates upto Android 18 with security updates upto 2031 and aaand a whooping 5 yr warranty.
I think this is a game changer for those who love to keep their devices for a little bit longer.
Somit wird #IodeOS von #iodé eines der Ersten (ich denke neben /e/OS) custom ROMs auf dem #Fairphone5 von #fairphone sein
#IodeOS #iode #Fairphone5 #fairphone
Eyeing to get a #fairphone5 once the reviews are out. Industrial chip sounds good but would love to see some real world reviews before jumping into it. Excited and waiting to use the phone without any case. Except for the old Nokia days, and probably the iphone1 and the G1 , never used a phone without any case last 15 years.
Das #Fairphone5 finde ich ja schon sehr interessant. Wäre es doch nur unter 200 Gramm
Das wäre die vernünftig Entscheidung... Und dann am Ende wird s wieder ein neues iPhone 😏
Il Fairphone è sicuramente un passo in avanti per gli smartphone, garanzia di cinque anni e soprattutto lungo supporto, almeno cinque aggiornamenti di Android
Facilmente aggiustabile e con batteria sostituibile
Certo è un po' caro, va detto
heise+ | #Fairphone5 im ersten Test: Einfach reparierbar und Updates bis 2031 | c't Magazin #Fairphone #heiseplus
#Fairphone5 #fairphone #heiseplus
Das neue #Fairphone5 sieht ja echt interessant aus. Kommt bei mir auf die Liste für potentielle Nachfolger für mein derzeitiges Phone. Meins ist allerdings mit seinen drei Jahren noch kein Alteisen.
The new #fairphone5 sure looks nice.
And my iPhones battery is dying slowly....
I think it is kinda dissapointing, that the #Fairphone5 does not have a headphone jack.
I would love to have a #Fairphone and the #Fairphone5 looks great. 💚
- my phone is still working (even if I destroyed the charging slot a bit... 🫣)
- the Fairphone 5 is larger and weighs much more than my #Xperia 10iii...
- as ecologist being often out in the field while raining and snowing, I need IP67 protection... 🌧️
- also: as #audiophile I like to have a 3.5mm jack plug 😇
Who is buying a Fairphone 5?
#audiophile #xperia #Fairphone5 #Fairphone
More thoughts on the #Fairphone #Fairphone5, what is actually repairable is very much the basics no?
Where are the schematics? No motherboard to order etc? I drop my phone in the bath and need to replace a chip on the motherboard due to water damage or overheating etc there is no option for me, what shop will repair a fairphone? I’m essentially back where I am with iPhone where I go to a shop and they have some basic replacement parts, anything more its very iffy.
Ok mein einer Kommentar zum neuen @Fairphone
2019 FP3
2020 FP3+
2021 FP4
2022 hieß es "wegen Corona dies das"?
Also wo 2023 bitte FP4+ ???
Wenn man FP4+ mit FP5 kombiniert, also z.b. das Display auch beim 4'er geht, gut
sonst find ich das nicht besonders "Fair"😅
Finde spätestens jetzt wird es eine Überlegung wert.
#fairphone #Fairphone5 #nachhaltigkeit #auswechseln #it
#Fairphone #Fairphone5 is so close to being my choice for a smartphone, but as far as I am aware whatever promises for updates, shipping a phone with #Android 12 (2 versions old) is making e-waste 🤷.
#fairphone #Fairphone5 #android
dommage que le #Fairphone5 ne conserve pas de compatibilité de module pour donner une chance au 4 d'être upgradé ... 😔
is @Fairphone supposed to be an official #FairPhone account?
anyway, now that #FairPhone5 is out, is there any forum thread or something similar where people can post their wishlist for FairPhone 6?
Why has nobody told me that #Fairphone releases their #Fairphone5 already?
It's kind of important nowadays to spread the good News so that we can actually make a change!
Lets help them turn the industry around!