Heute wurde der #kita Remshartgäßchen (Jakobervorstadt, #augsburg) der Titel #einewelt Kita verliehen. Die erste städtische KiTa mit dieser Auszeichnung! 🏆💪
Die Eltern, Kinder und Mitarbeitenden kommen aus 38 Nationen.
Es werden vielerlei Sprachen gesprochen und #vielfalt ist der Normalfall. Mehrsprachige Literatur, vielfältige Spielzeuge, faire Lebensmittel...
Der achtsame Umgang mit Menschen überall in der Welt zieht sich durch den Kitaalltag.
Gratuliere! Weiter so! 🙌👍
#Fairtrade #eineweltnetz
#kita #augsburg #einewelt #vielfalt #Fairtrade #eineweltnetz
Tout savoir sur les labels du commerce équitable
That is, of course, 100% pure #unadulterated, #organic, fair trade #bullshit.
There are only two things here that #Google cares about:
1) Having better #evidence that #ad #impressions are being served to actual humans-behind-browsers rather than to #bots. This is because the more certain they can make advertisers feel about this, the more they can #charge for an ad impression.
2) Ensuring that #users do not use ad blockers, because that hurts the bottom line.
#unadulterated #organic #bullshit #google #evidence #ad #Impressions #bots #charge #users #Fairtrade #adblocker
Consumer support for Fairtrade remains strong despite global cost of living crisis – Fairtrade America
Consumers all over the world are staying loyal to Fairtrade as the most visible and trusted ethical label, according to new research findings released by GlobeScan and Fairtrade today.
#Fairtrade #ConsciousConsumption
#consciousconsumption #Fairtrade
The problem with #fairtrade #coffee https://ssir.org/articles/entry/the_problem_with_fair_trade_coffee
Vielleicht sollte man solchen Ansätzen wie #GNUTaler mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken.
#Cash #Geld #FinTech #FairTrade
#gnutaler #cash #geld #fintech #Fairtrade
Das Hauptthema ist ja #Cash.
Besonders würde mich interessieren, ob es eine Session o.ä. zu #GNUTaler gibt? Bin im Programm nicht fündig geworden, vielleicht übersehe ich auch etwas.
#FairCash #Geld #FairTrade #digitalPrivacy
#cash #gnutaler #Faircash #geld #Fairtrade #digitalprivacy
Ja, genau das ist Teil der Botschaft! 😊☕️ Ich wünsche mir Reflektionen zur Verantwortung auf individueller wie auch politischer Ebene, nicht zuletzt zu wassersparender #Pflanzenkost & #FairTrade. Live long and prosper! 🙏🧡🖖
@evelynefoerster @paulfoerster @Mina Habe gestern wieder eine grössere Bestellung bei Zotter.at abgesetzt. Alles #Bio, #fairtrade und bezahlbar.
America Must Take the Lead in the Fight Against Tech Gatekeepers
Check it out! 👇
#WashingtonDc #TimeToPlayFair #TimeToAct #SenatorRichardBlumenthal #SenatorMarshaBlackburn #Policy #OpenMarketsAct #OpenAppMarketsAct #FairTrade #DigitalMarketsAct #DanielEk #DanielByline #Competition #Byline #Apple #Antitrust #AntiTrust #AntiCompetitive #InsideSpotify
#washingtondc #timetoplayfair #timetoact #senatorrichardblumenthal #senatormarshablackburn #policy #openmarketsact #OpenAppMarketsAct #Fairtrade #digitalmarketsact #DanielEk #danielbyline #Competition #Byline #apple #antitrust #anticompetitive #insidespotify
I enjoy speaking about #SocialEnterprise & #Fairtrade. It was a pleasure to be on @wheredoesitcome #podcast to talk about Ethiqana, the journey so far and why it all matters so much to me!
#socialenterprise #Fairtrade #podcast
While we're continuing our blogposts for Fairtrade fortnight, we're also celebrating international womens day 2023.
We're also blogging about #futurebuild. Have any other London groups attended, or are planning to attend?. THAT is the question! #london #fairtrade #transitiontelford
#futurebuild #london #Fairtrade #transitiontelford
We're supporting
@FairtradeUK Check out the link below.
#FairtradeFortnight #Fairtrade #transitiontelford #transitiontogether.
#fairtradefortnight #Fairtrade #transitiontelford #transitiontogether
#Fairtrade Fortnight starts today
"Chocolate Score Card"
#schokolade #chocolate #ausbeutung #exploitation #fairtrade #childlabor #kinderarbeit
#schokolade #chocolate #Ausbeutung #exploitation #Fairtrade #childlabor #Kinderarbeit
"The law is almost always a lower standard than ethics", says @simonsinek@twitter.com. He's bang on point too!
That's why #SocEnt & #FairTrade make so much sense.
That's what guides @ethiqana@twitter.com too.
Here's a rundown of why actively looking for fair trade products and solutions makes total sense...
#socent #Fairtrade #fairbruary #fairtradeprinciples
As a @UKLabour and @CoopParty councillor, it was very special to hear from @watfordFT
about the challenges facing #FairTrade farmers ahead of #FairTradeFortnight at the end of this month.
#Fairtrade #fairtradefortnight
Try ‘little coffee’ instead! —Buy only #FairTrade #organic coffee from small producers and farmer cooperatives! Better for the people who actually grow that good coffee and much better for Earth and #climate.
BTW this also applies to #chocolate, #tea, #bananas, and many other key products!
More info:
#Fairtrade #organic #climate #chocolate #tea #bananas
#Wärmeleitpaste gegen Versandpauschale abzugeben. Neu, unbenutzt 20 ml.
#warmeleitpaste #Fairtrade #fedibay #Computer #cpu #zuschadezumwegschmeißen
Don’t wait to buy real estate buy real estate and wait (Shaariq.com)
Personal wealth valuations are almost always possible, and the real estate #market presents a promising opportunity for #investment. If you bought a house at a fair market value in a well-established or emerging neighborhood close to major highways.
#realestate #real #estate #market #realestatebusiness
#RealMadrid #businesswoman #marketingstrategy #dubailife #propertydevelopment #fairtrade
#market #investment #RealEstate #real #estate #realestatebusiness #RealMadrid #businesswoman #marketingstrategy #dubailife #propertydevelopment #Fairtrade