Maria Graça Carvalho · @mgracacarvalho
4 followers · 1670 posts · Server

The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the beginning of the end of the Iron Curtain.

Today, with the war on our continent, we are more aware than ever that peace, unity and freedom are not a given but are dear values to be cherished.




Last updated 2 years ago

2 followers · 8 posts · Server

📍: Há 33 anos, caía o Muro de Berlim: os novos muros da Europa

Se um muro cai, outros são erguidos. Hoje combatemos novos muros na Europa. Os muros da discriminação, da intolerância e dos discursos de ódio.


#FallOfTheWall #acegis #registohistorico

Last updated 2 years ago

EPP Group · @EPPGroup
150 followers · 5356 posts · Server

The fall of the Berlin Wall 33 years ago marked the beginning of the end of the Iron Curtain in Europe.
Today, with the war on our continent, we are more aware than ever that peace, unity and freedom are not a given but are dear values to be cherished and nurtured.



Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Sander · @gurubert
171 followers · 4856 posts · Server


Sichert euch die limitierte Sonderfahrkarte „30 Jahre Mauerfall“ als Wackelbild-Sonderdruck: 30,00 Euro - 2 Personen - 7 Tage.

Erhältlich in den Kundenzentren der aber nur so lange der Vorrat reicht


#fotw30 #FallOfTheWall #berlin #mauerfall30 #sbahn

Last updated 5 years ago