Ugh looks like the Atlantic City update is going to be another expedition. #Fallout76
I just hope that the Atlantic City update is story based and not just another Expedition. #fallout76 #xboxgamesshowcase
I see that the Mothman Equinox event is back. It still strikes me as being a weird one for April, as it would have made a better Halloween event. #Fallout76
I don't hate you #Fallout76. I like you most of the time, but you make it very hard to love you again. I can't be hurt again.
Why WOULD you have the function to trade Treasury Notes for Gold at the GOLD DEPOSITORY? It's FAR more convenient to travel to elsewhere and then go back. #Fallout76
Oh my god I'd forgotten how USELESS other NPCs are in #Fallout76. I just killed the Sheepsquatch imposterling on my own and Rahmani just wandered about commenting on it.
Do you know if there is a way to repeat story missions? I need the achievement 'All That Glitters" (breaking into the gold vault) but I know I've done it and I don't know if I could hack starting again. #Fallout76
Anyway, just did the Ultracite Titan at the Nuka World on Tour thing. That was good fun. I forgot how much fun Vampire miniguns are. 😁 #Fallout76
I just crafted a Hellfire Missle Launcher (I've never bothered using it, and I rolled Gourmand, faster fire & +1 AGL, but I'm kind of tempted to re-roll my character and go full explosives/missile launcher build. #Fallout76
I think once I have finished whatever this bullshit Brotherhood story quest is, I'll be back into it. #Fallout76
Delightfully I also have 2500 atoms left from the last month of my Fallout 1st sub, so once I am familiar with the game again I can get some camp items from the Atomic Store. #Fallout76
Okay I had a quick 30 mins there, and it's more of the game I enjoyed before it became a chore to play. #Fallout76
It's been years since I've played #Fallout76 but for some reason I was wondering if the game had broken down cars all over the place that you could shoot and blow up like other #Fallout games did? I can't recall if it did or not.
I have the game installing now so I might check on my lunch break if I remember and I don't get an answer by then.
#fallout76 really needs a way to save in the middle of a mission and saving progress. I know it's all live but some missions take forever...
Fallout 76 just added a small bonus for Prime Gaming subscribers
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