against my better judgement, gonna finish playing the Lonesome Road DLC from #FalloutNewVegas
stop by
Worst enemy in Fallout New Vegas?
Cazadores? Deathclaws? Those Legion pricks that chase you when you fast travel?
The fucking invisible walls blocking areas even my IRL fat ass could climb over.
Why yes, I’m at the pool cramping for my upcoming #FalloutNewVegas game and drinking out of a solo cup (feels like I’m back in college). Mind you, the drink is better quality and the game isn’t Vampire Dark Ages or Cthulhu. #TTRPG
I'm not sold on #ArtificialIntelligence #AI ***but*** this is a very, very, very convincing argument on its behalf #Fallout #FalloutNewVegas #Gaming #SunTzu #ArtOfWar
#artificialintelligence #ai #fallout #FalloutNewVegas #gaming #suntzu #artofwar
In the next #FalloutNewVegas Relentless session, they explore Vegas, the factions, and their machinations. They’ve left the horror of the Wasteland to the “safety” of the city, and I’ll be ready! I’m even going to try model painting for the first time. #Securitrons #fingerscrossed
#FalloutNewVegas #securitrons #fingersCrossed
About thirty minutes until #FalloutNewVegas Relentless session 1! I’m in that frantic last-minute setup stage and excited to use my Conan minis for some Wasteland creatures. That’s a big caravan they’ve gotta get to New Vegas; I hope they all make it... #TTRPG
As I have seen other people doing it, I will do so too! Five #videogames to know me:
#Spelunky (still trying to complete 2, but it's resisting)
There are many more that I love, but that's just what always comes to mind!
#videogames #kingoffighters2002um #spelunky #FalloutNewVegas #sonicadventure2 #metalgearsolid3
I haven’t played #Fallout4 in so long, I’m thinking about starting a new game. What challenge should I try? Same for #FalloutNewVegas