Lagging behind a bit as I've been busy this weekend.
#RPGaDay2023 Q18:
Favourite game SYSTEM
Has to be the #Modiphius #2d20 system. It's such a fun/slick system, and I love the minor tweaks they do with each game to match the feel of whatever world they're working in.
Favourite game using it is hands down #Conan2d20 with honourable mentions to #AchtungCthulhu #FalloutRPG and #JohnCarterOfMars
#rpgaday2023 #Modiphius #2D20 #Conan2d20 #achtungcthulhu #FalloutRPG #johncarterofmars
I'd love more folks to chat games and design with - especially fellow #dmsguild writers for #dnd5e!
Alongside running a 5e campaign I'm playing in a #FalloutRPG and am eager to add more games in some fantastical, distant future when time permits.
Allow me to share my purest #ttrpg joy so far, the Rolls Revamped #actualplay crew loving the heck out of playing Beyond the Golden Vault, a supplement I am proud to have contributed to:
#dmsguild #dnd5e #FalloutRPG #ttrpg #actualplay
2/2 Probably make them a splinter chapter, and on bad terms with the West Coast Brotherhood living in the NCR. The Remnant (that's what I'm calling them) has sent a small group down to form a new southern outpost in the NW Wasteland and are recruiting initiates.
One of my players wants to be BoS, mostly just to rock some power armor, so I needed to figure out how to fit that into the world...
Probably make them a splinter chapter, and on bad terms with the West Coast Brotherhood living in the NCR. The Remnant (that's what I'm calling them) has sent a small group down to form a new southern outpost in the NW Wasteland and are recruiting initiates.
One of my players wants to be BoS, mostly just to rock some power armor, so I needed to figure out how to fit that into the world...
#falloutrpg #2d20
In my #falloutrpg #2d20 game, I'm starting to world build. I had to figure out how far north the Brotherhood of Steel got, and decided to create a new faction from a combination of the BoS group and the remains of the Outcasts from the Anchorage DLC in Fallout 3. Yeah, not canon, but its my game. :) Setting it in the Northwest Wasteland because that's where we live...
Ran my first session with #falloutrpg #2D20 today with the boys (teenage son and friends). A Brotherhood initiate, a Mr. Gutsy with a sheriff yet, and a Vault Security guard were hired to investigate an old Super Duper Mart. They encountered two terrible raiders with bad mohawks and a Barney doll tied to hat, which they promptly adopted as their mascot. Then a big battle with some mole rats later, and job done! They want to keep playing, so in guess it worked out!
Next weekend I'm going to try running a #2D20 #FalloutRPG game for my teenager and his friends. We played D&D all during pandemic, but this is a new system for us. I'm going to pre-generate some character sheets for them, and using @slyflourish Lazy DM concepts we're doing to drop into the action right away with a fast start and figure out how to roll stuff as we go! Now I just need to figure out how to roll up a Cowboy Protecron. :)
I really need to get started planning my Fallout RPG game with the kids. #FalloutRPG I've been "studying" a lot by continuing to #fallout76 and starting a new have if #fallout3 on my steam deck. I never finished it in Xbox, but it's going great on the deck.
#FalloutRPG #fallout76 #fallout3
@Tim_Eagon I think you can pick up pretty much anything from #Modiphius and you'll have a vast collection of adventures to pick from:
#AchtungCthulhu #StarTrekAdventures #ConanRPG #FalloutRPG and more.
#Cubicle7 has plenty for #WHFRP and #Chaosium has you covered for #Runequest.
I think #NightsBlackAgents has quite a lot too.
#Modiphius #achtungcthulhu #startrekadventures #conanrpg #FalloutRPG #cubicle7 #WHFRP #chaosium #runequest #NightsBlackAgents
Show me your Pax Unplugged shopping list! Here's mine in no particular order:
#HomeworldRevelationRPG - #Modiphius
#FalloutRPG - Modiphius
#HunterTheReckoning - #renegadegamestudios
#StarfinderRPG - Galactic Magic - Paizo
#StarfinderRPG - Drift Crisis - Paizo
#StarfinderRPG - Interstellar Species - #paizo
#deltagreenrpg - #arcdreampublishing
#ExpanseRPG - Ships of the Expanse - #GreenRoninPublishing
#eclipsephase - Second Edition
#bladesinthedark - #EvilHatProductions
#homeworldrevelationrpg #Modiphius #FalloutRPG #HunterTheReckoning #renegadegamestudios #StarfinderRPG #paizo #deltagreenrpg #arcdreampublishing #ExpanseRPG #greenroninpublishing #eclipsephase #bladesinthedark #EvilHatProductions
Raider base in early spring! This one is a bit specific to my #FalloutRPG setting, but is usable elsewhere.
(I’ve been sitting on this one for a while because I didn’t want to spoil things for my players who follow me)
#tabletopgames #tabletop #fallout #FalloutRPG
#WorkInProgress of a Radroach drawing. For whatever reason, the Fallout RPG core book doesn’t have an image of these guys. This wouldn’t be an issue, except we’re using roll20 to play, and it wants tokens for all NPCs so they can be put in the Initiative order. Now, I could just use a screenshot, but I actually like the way the concept art in the book looks. So, here I am drawing a big ‘ol bug that I’m sure my players will be seeing plenty of.
#MastoArt #FalloutRPG #fallout #workinprogress
Mirelurks! I gave them a new skin to better fit with a campaign set in the Rocky Mountains. The Rockies are a bit far inland for horseshoe crabs, so I went with mutant crayfish. Same niche, same stats, just a different origin
Another #FalloutRPG NPC done! I’m looking forward to finally finishing and then running this setting