Asus ROG Ally overheating can kill your microSD card reader (and cards), so Asus plans to crank up the fan speeds a bit, which could make the handheld noisier, but safter to use. Affected users can request repairs.
#asusrogally #asus #fannoise #FanSpeed #handheldgamingpc
Unser Control Center bietet verschiedene Lüftergeschwindigkeiten und -profile. Hier sieht man die Geschwindigkeitsunterschiede und die Temperaturschwelle, ab welcher der Lüfter komplett stoppt!
Mehr zum TUXEDO Control Center:
#Laptop #FanSpeed #Tuning
Our Control Center offers various fan speed & profiles. See the differences in speed and the temperature treshold for the fan to stop running at all!
More on the TUXEDO Control Center:
#Laptop #FanSpeed #Tuning