Nicely done, Ms. Willis. And I'm sorry you had to waste your time responding to Jim Jordan's stupidity.
Respond she did.
Listening to Mea Culpa (Breaking!! Damning New Tapes From Trump Lawyer + A Conversation with Harry Litman):
Mea Culpa welcomes back our old friend Harry Litman, the former US Attorney and Deputy Assistant Attorney General. #politics #podcast #Trump #TrumpIndictment #TrumpIndictments #trumpisacriminal #TrumpIsATraitor #indictments #trumpforprison #lockhimup #FaniWillis #JackSmith #tanyachutkan
#tanyachutkan #jacksmith #FaniWillis #lockhimup #trumpforprison #indictments #TrumpIsATraitor #trumpisacriminal #TrumpIndictments #trumpindictment #Trump #podcast #politics
Damn! Hasta a mí me dolió el chanclazo en el hocico…
Whatever else I may think of #lindseygraham I do admire his voice work as Foghorn Leghorn.
#FaniWillis #georgia
#georgia #FaniWillis #lindseygraham
Grand Jury
Investigating Trump
Findings to be released soon
Fani Willis indicting
Truth will be revealed soon
#trump #specialgrandjury #faniwillis #indictment #georgia #cinquain #poetry
#trump #specialgrandjury #FaniWillis #indictment #georgia #cinquain #poetry
DA #FaniWillis has announced that Jim Jordan is “interfering in” & “obstructing” the Georgia RICO prosecution of Donald Trump. Accordingly, evidence of Jordan’s obstruction should be presented to a GA grand jury to assess if there’s probable cause to charge Jordan criminally.
Fani Willis asks court to protect jurors after doxing in Trump's Georgia case
#FaniWillis #GeorgiaCase #JurorProtection #TrumpGeorgiaCase #Doxing #CourtProtection #Politics #News
#FaniWillis #georgiacase #jurorprotection #trumpgeorgiacase #doxing #courtprotection #politics #news
#JimJordan / #GymJordan finally gets what he deserves from #FaniWillis in #Georgia
#jimjordan #gymjordan #FaniWillis #georgia
Should Fani Willis consider running for President down the road a bit? This beat down of professional clown/abuse enabler Gym Jordan in an embedded 9-page letter is pretty epic!
#talkingpointsmemo #FaniWillis
After #FaniWillis roasted #GymJordan in a nine-page stellar response to his nonsense "'Your letter makes clear that you lack a basic understanding of the law, its practice and the ethical obligations of attorneys generally and prosecutors specifically,' she wrote." . . . no other comment is needed. #staywoke
#staywoke #gymjordan #FaniWillis
Jim Jordan receives scathing response from Fani Willis
#JimJordanResponse #FaniWillis #ScathingResponse #Newsweek #Politicians #LegalSystem #Politics #News
#jimjordanresponse #FaniWillis #scathingresponse #newsweek #politicians #legalsystem #politics #news
“For a more thorough understanding of Georgia’s RICO statute, its application and similar laws in other states, I encourage you to read “RICO State-by-State.” As a non-member of the bar, you can purchase a copy for two hundred forty-nine dollars [$249].
Fani Willis hands Jim Jordan his whole ass. 😂😂😂
#georgia #trump #rico #FaniWillis
#georgia #trump #rico #FaniWillis
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis responds to U.S. Representative Jim Jordan:
“Your letter makes clear that you lack a basic understanding of the law, its practice and the ethical obligations of attorneys generally and prosecutors specifically."
Prosecutor blasts congressman’s ‘interference’ in Trump Georgia probe.
Open letter in the @nytimes from #FaniWillis to #JimJordan
You have to be glad that Rep. Jim Jones made false claims about the Willis case against #Trump and threatened to interfere with it. He elicited this beautiful reply and smackdown.
If time is short, jump to p. 5.
#uspolitics #law #Trump #jimjordan #FaniWillis
#FaniWillis #GA #FultonCounty #Georgia
#ProtectingFaniWillis at all costs: Why lawyers are on a mission to #defendGAprosecutors
#FaniWillis #ga #FultonCounty #georgia #protectingfaniwillis #defendgaprosecutors
Right-wing crusade winds
Goveror calls for standing down
But damage lingers on
#georgia #goverorkemp #FaniWillis #haiku #poetry
*Eliott C. McLaughlin*
**Atlanta-area prosecutor cites rap lyrics as evidence, which hip-hop has long decried as a double standard**
>Johnny Cash did not confess to shooting ‘a man in Reno, just to watch him die.’
Gov. Kemp will not act
On removal of DA Willis
Democracy prevails
#georgia #FaniWillis #kemp #democracy #haiku #poetry
Fani Willis, the DA, said
A trial of nineteen instead
But it's hard to imagine
A court such as this one
Splitting up such a tangled thread
#fultoncounty #faniwillis #trumpcase #georgia #limerick #poetry
#fultoncounty #FaniWillis #trumpcase #georgia #limerick #poetry