Thomas Kahle · @tomkalei
241 followers · 987 posts · Server

I noticed that I have been paying 40 EUR/year for while Apple Calendar is almost equivalent for all my use cases.

A lot has changed. When I bought fantastical for the first time, it was 10 bucks -- once. At some point they switched to a pricey yearly subscription, but innovation was stalling (or at least did not add anything useful for me, like easier adding of new events). Instead, they added a new app , which I find impractical in many ways. byebye fantastical...

#Fantastical #cardhop

Last updated 1 year ago

Emory L. · @emory
170 followers · 1671 posts · Server

they turned off at work today so my world is crumbling as we speak.

#Fantastical #Intune #lolsob

Last updated 1 year ago

Günter Bertels · @leisewargestern
45 followers · 768 posts · Server

So, nach 8 Jahren wieder bei gelandet. Hatte ich gar nicht mehr auf dem Schirm und bin jetzt bei der Suche nach einer gescheiten die unter Mac, iOS und Linux läuft, mal wieder darauf gestoßen. Ich glaube, wir können glücklich werden. Schön auch die Integration in .

#Todoist #todo #App #Fantastical

Last updated 2 years ago

Emory L. · @emory
101 followers · 455 posts · Server

okay i just can't keep track of Agents of Shield stories. i got lost in season five again. i plowed into season six hoping it would fall into place.

but why with the izel and sarge? and enoch? and is ghost rider somehow stronger than izel? or the darkhold? is too complicated and my counter is never 0 on so more evidence that i am getting old.

#TV #Fantastical

Last updated 2 years ago

BirdmanJerry · @BirdmanJerry
13 followers · 18 posts · Server

I started a trial of Flexibits and have been trying to learn how to use the Fantastical calendar on my iPhone. I set it up with my Google calendar, and it tells me how many events on each date, but I cannot seem to open a day to read the events. I really must be missing something. is Fantastical really fantastic?


Last updated 2 years ago

ajk · @ajk
45 followers · 169 posts · Server

Inspired by @macsparky, I've been using block scheduling lately — that is, blocking off sections of my calendar for the week ahead to make time for reading, writing, deep project work, etc. Until recently, I was using to create the appointments, but I found it cumbersome to update my blocks in the Shortcut, a frequent need.

So I've shifted to using my beloved @drafts for this purpose. I have a draft with one appointment per line in natural language that can understand, and every Friday I use the Events in Fantastical action to put them all on the calendar for the following week. The draft looks like this:

Sun 8-9a Run alert none /ajk
Sun 10:30-11:15a Yoga alert none /ajk
Sun 12-1p Write alert none /ajk
Sun 8:30-9:30p Read alert 0 /ajk
Mon 6-7a Walk alert none /ajk
Mon 7:15-7:30a Stretch alert 0 /ajk
Mon 7:30-8:30a Startup alert 0 /akorty
Mon 8:30-9:30 Write alert 0 /akorty
Mon 11:30a-12p Lunch alert 0 /akorty

... and so on.

This approach works great because I can easily tweak that draft, which I keep archived but flagged so I can find it easily.

#appleshortcuts #Fantastical

Last updated 2 years ago

Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87555 posts · Server
MacAppDeals · @macappdeals
2 followers · 53 posts · Server
Emory · @emory
47 followers · 230 posts · Server

the "openings" feature is a great idea but like anything else, it's all in the implementation. i find it completely impossible to use.

why doesn't it just figure out the openings on your calendar for you?! they're RIGHT THERE. so fine, i'll manually designate some times. for some reason it won't list anything on friday in spite of having six hours available that i listed with my own two hands. i don't get it.

just buy calendly or something.

#Fantastical #macOS #iOS #iPadOS #calendars

Last updated 3 years ago

Jimmy Tsui ☑️ · @jimmytsui
28 followers · 1184 posts · Server

E? 今轉有點吸引喎...... with

#macos #Fantastical

Last updated 4 years ago