Fireborn. I remember loving this idea and buying the game from the FLGS on the spot. It's still something I've never run, but one day. #TTRPGTimewarpTuesday #FantasyFlightGames
#ttrpgtimewarptuesday #FantasyFlightGames
Arkham Horror 3rd Edition Secrets of the Order, is the best Arkham Horror yet. #BoardGames #FantasyFlightGames #ArkhamFiles What a fun scenario this was (The Key and the Gate)
#boardgames #FantasyFlightGames #arkhamfiles
Got my latest #FantasyFlightGames delivery. #LOTR #ArkhamHorror #MarvelChampions
#FantasyFlightGames #lotr #arkhamhorror #MarvelChampions
For anyone interested, this is what every single miniature available to buy for this game looks like laid out on the table.
I've done a lot more painting since I took this picture and only a handful of rebels are unpainted now.
#StarWars #ImperialAssault #SWImperialAssault #TableTop #TableTopGames #BoardGame #BoardGames #Miniatures #Wargaming #FFG #FantasyFlightGames
#starwars #ImperialAssault #SWImperialAssault #tabletop #tabletopgames #boardgame #boardgames #miniatures #wargaming #FFG #FantasyFlightGames
Are there many people playing Imperial Assault still on here?
I know it's a bit of an older game now, but it's still one of my favourite miniatures board games and I try and play it whenever I can get the same 5 people in one room.
#StarWars #ImperialAssault #SWImperialAssault #TableTop #TableTopGames #BoardGame #BoardGames #Miniatures #Wargaming #FFG #FantasyFlightGames
#starwars #ImperialAssault #SWImperialAssault #tabletop #tabletopgames #boardgame #boardgames #miniatures #wargaming #FFG #FantasyFlightGames
Fantasy Flight Games kündigen das Cthulhu-Brettspiel UNFATHOMABLE an
Wie die geneigte Kultistin bereits aus dem Titel UNFATHOMABLE ableiten könnte, geht es bei diesem angekündigten Brettspiel aus dem Hause Fantasy Flight Games um Wesen aus dem Cthuluhu-Mythos, die man mit dem Ozean verbinde ...
#Spiel #Abgrundtief #Brettspiel #Cthulhu #FantasyFlightGames #Lovecraft #Unfathomable
#Unfathomable #lovecraft #FantasyFlightGames #cthulhu #brettspiel #Abgrundtief #Spiel