So, seems that making #introductions is a thing. Well, Hy it's me, your friendly administrative assistant at a cemetery from the neighborhood.
Messaging in German and English
#introductions #gaming #penandpaperdeutsch #penandpaper #FantasyandScienceFiction #videogames #dogs #TrueCrime #feminism #humanrigths #equality
I'm in need of cheering up, so here's a question for my fellow nerds: what's your favourite go-to scifi and/or fantasy series - or even individual entry from a series - that always brightens your day? It can be books, films, TV, or any other media!
#scifi #FantasyandScienceFiction #fantasyfiction
Favorite authors is so hard.. in no order
Robert Jordan #wheeloftime
Herman Hesse #hermanhesse
John Scalzi #scifinovels #scififan
Raymond Feist #FantasyandScienceFiction
#wheeloftime #hermanhesse #scifinovels #scififan #FantasyandScienceFiction
#introduction continued:
/ an active library user.
I also do some part time #proofreading and #copyeditor work.
#crafts, mainly #crochet, mainly #MosaicCrochet. I make blankets and then can't bear to give them away (hint: they work well as curtains in the winter)
#tv and #radio , particularly #FantasyandScienceFiction. Not keen on audiobooks or podcasts though as I tend to tune out after a while.
#music of all kinds except opera and country which I just cannot get into. /
To be continued ...
#music #FantasyandScienceFiction #radio #tv #mosaiccrochet #crochet #crafts #copyeditor #proofreading #introduction
#introduction continued:
/ an active library user.
I also do some part time #proofreading and #copyeditor work.
#crafts, mainly #crochet, mainly #MosaicCrochet. I make blankets and then can't bear to give them away (hint: they work well as curtains in the winter)
#tv and #radio , particularly #FantasyandScienceFiction. Not keen on audiobooks or podcasts though as I tend to tune out after a while.
#music of all kinds except opera and country which I just cannot get into. /
To be continued ...
#music #FantasyandScienceFiction #radio #tv #mosaiccrochet #crochet #crafts #copyeditor #proofreading #introduction
@odanu I just finished the TUYO series by Rachel Neumeier - really interesting world building and fantastic relationship between the central characters. Still re-reading THE KINGDOMS by Natasha Pulley as Book of the Year (was last year, but still….) #novels #FantasyandScienceFiction #HistoricalFiction #FavouriteAuthors
#favouriteauthors #historicalfiction #FantasyandScienceFiction #novels
Fellow fantasy nerds! Abercrombie is on hiatus and Sanderson is years away from the next WOR installment. I've just finished the Expanse, read Shadow of the Gods and its sequel, Age of Myth series and finished Gentlemen Bastards. What next? Ideally something I don't need to wait for.
#FantasyandScienceFiction #booksuggestions
Oops, didn't #Introduction properly, so here goes again 😂
#introduction #tombraider #AngelOfDarkness #laracroft #VoiceActing #audiobooks #audioproduction #toriesout #SaveOurNHS #AbolishTheMonarchy #cats #cooking #nature #art #writing #readingcommunity #books #writingcommunity #science #biology #openuniversity #editing #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #disabledcommunity #FantasyandScienceFiction #movies #soundtracks #sfx #translivesmatter #humanrights #blacklivesmatter #disabledlivesmatter #LGBTQIAS
I'm especially looking to connect with anyone from #DisabledCommunity #gaming #TombRaider #ToriesOut #BLM #TransLivesMatter #Writers #Editors #VoiceActing #ecology #FantasyandScienceFiction #StarTrek #SocialJustice
#disabledcommunity #gaming #tombraider #toriesout #blm #translivesmatter #writers #editors #VoiceActing #ecology #FantasyandScienceFiction #startrek #socialjustice
I picked up the Heartstriker series, worried that it was going to be fluff. It was instead a fascinating ride of world building and magical theory!
First book: Nice Dragons Finish Last, by Rachel Aaron
#Heartstrikers #FantasyandScienceFiction #magicaltheory #worldbuilding #recommendation
#recommendation #worldbuilding #magicaltheory #FantasyandScienceFiction #Heartstrikers
Worldbuilding Beyond SFF
I am standing in the water and it is cool and soft against my calves. I breathe in: pine, sweetfern, earth, lily pads. I breathe out: shivering slightly in the cooling moon
#ConstructingFantasy #creativewriting #fantasy #FantasyandScienceFiction #fictionwriting #GilmoreGirls #imagery #place #sci-fi #sciencefiction #speculativefiction #workshopping #worldbuilding #writing #writingadvice #writingcraft
#ConstructingFantasy #creativewriting #fantasy #FantasyandScienceFiction #fictionwriting #gilmoregirls #imagery #place #sci #sciencefiction #speculativefiction #workshopping #worldbuilding #writing #writingadvice #writingcraft
Building a Magic System
What is magic, and how does it work? Is magic something done by wizards with wands and pointed hats, or is it the mystical force you encounter in the fae realm? Magic systems are an essential element of most fantasy wo
#ConstructingFantasy #creativewriting #fantasy #FantasyandScienceFiction #hardfantasy #highfantasy #highfantasyYA #magic #rulesofmagic #worldbuilding #writing #writingadvice #writingtips
#ConstructingFantasy #creativewriting #fantasy #FantasyandScienceFiction #hardfantasy #highfantasy #highfantasyYA #magic #rulesofmagic #worldbuilding #writing #writingadvice #writingtips
5 Things We Can Learn From Reading Science Fiction and Fantasy
Come one, come all, fans of science fiction and fantasy (SFF)! Whether SFF is all you read or you’re merely dipping your toe in the genre, I believe there are universal lessons to be found
#FantasyandScienceFiction #fantasybooks #reading #readingsci-fi #readingsciencefiction #sci-fi #sciencefictionbooks #whatwelearnfrombooks
#FantasyandScienceFiction #fantasybooks #reading #readingsci #readingsciencefiction #sci #sciencefictionbooks #whatwelearnfrombooks
Ode to the Infodump
When I think of infodumping, the practice of including far too much backstory or explanation in fiction (or nonfiction!) writing, there is one man who stands above the rest: the science fiction author Neal Stephenson.
Stephenson is famous for his infodumps, including his long, long lists, which transcend the winking comedic effect most writers use them for
#FantasyandScienceFiction #infodump #neilstephenson
Speculative-Inspired Arts: Dawn Xiana Moon
This month in Speculative-Inspired Arts, performance and vocal artist Dawn Xiana Moon talks geekable bellydance routines, SFF-inspired music, and inclusive representation in the arts.
You have so many brands in the fire that it’s hard to pick a place to start, but let
#Bellydancing #DawnXianaMoon #FantasyandScienceFiction #Fireperformance #Musicalartist #RaksGeek
#bellydancing #DawnXianaMoon #FantasyandScienceFiction #Fireperformance #Musicalartist #RaksGeek