🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #MaryAnneHobbs
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#nowplaying #bbc6music #MaryAnneHobbs #Fantomas
Auf #zdfneo lief heute der Filmklassiker #Fantomas . Louis de Funès war ein grandioser Schauspieler. So einen wird man kein zweites Mal finden.
#dailytoot #challenge
#zdfneo #Fantomas #dailytoot #challenge
6. April 2023, 21:55 - 23:30
bei ZDFneo:
Fantomas gegen Interpol
Noch immer ist Fantomas, der wahnsinnige Meister der Verwandlung, auf freiem Fuß und plant rücksichtslos, die alleinige Weltherrschaft an sich zu reißen.
TV Tipp:
6. April 2023, 20:15 - 21:55
bei ZDFneo:
Der geheimnisvolle und zugleich geniale Verbrecher Fantomas treibt in Paris sein Unwesen. Dicht auf seinen Fersen befindet sich der chaotische, aber hartnäckige…
I've pinned and reboosted my #introduction, but I thought I'd have another bash round the potted summary of hashtags as I try to reconnect with stuff lost in the past few days.
#folklore is pretty much the most important to me - I'm an #academic #folklorist, do #fieldwork, think & write about #folkloristics, and really really REALLY like hanging out with/listening to other #folklorists.
I started off with #folk, #folksong, #folkmusic, ended up doing a PhD on #ghostlore #ghosts #ghost but love/am interested in all sorts of stuff, like #cannibalism, #rats, #folkhorror
Other important things:
#surrealism #fantomas #Dowland #Classics #Berlioz
Live on #isleofwight, like at the end of Day of the Triffids.
#introduction #folklore #academic #folklorist #fieldwork #folkloristics #folklorists #folk #folksong #folkmusic #Ghostlore #ghosts #ghost #cannibalism #rats #folkhorror #surrealism #Fantomas #Dowland #classics #Berlioz #isleofwight
I'm slowly dripping out hashtags of my diverse passions, watching little ripples of quite specific interest groups, trying not to baffle any of them, spreading slowly.
Time perhaps to drop at random #Dowland #surrealism #Fantomas
#Fantomas #surrealism #Dowland