[gebloggt] In meiner wiederbelebten #Tagebuchbloggen-Rubrik blicke ich zurück in die schwindende Woche mit ihren #Podcasts, #Fanzines, #Threads und #PerryRhodan-Heften.
#tagebuchbloggen #podcasts #Fanzines #threads #perryrhodan
Aquest divendres 2 de juny a les 19h tenim una cita important al CENTRE de DOCUMENTACIÓ dels MOVIMENTS SOCIALS MERCÈ GRENZNER a Can Batlló.
Presentem el nostre catàleg de fanzines i una guia de lectura per trobar-hi materials literaris i poètics, de la mà de:
-Myriam Soteras, poeta i editora
-Inés Molina, doctorant sobre autopublicacions i fanzines als 70's.
Aquí trobareu + info sobre la nostre tasca: http://arxiu.laciutatinvisible.coop/?page_id=164
Us esperem!
El otro día me pregunté aquí si volverían los #fanzines y hoy he visto la polémica sobre el curso de fanzines de Domestika a 60€ (en unos meses lo bajan a ~10€, como el resto de cursos).
Es una buena noticia porque demuestra que hay interés en aprender a hacerlos. Así que quizás sí que veamos un retorno de este formato (aunque obviamente sin grapa para una distribución online).
Ahora que parece que vuelven los blogs y las newsletters, me pregunto, ¿volverán los #fanzines?
Busquem fanzinerxs!
Fem una crida a qualsevol persona que escrigui textos anarcas, transfemisnistes, insurrecionales, antiespecistes, antirepre a vendre els seus fanzines en la llibreria.
❤️No busquem grans assajos, busquem manifestos, creativitat, critica i vòmit sobre el paper. Volem textos que parlin des del sentiment. Volem experiències i recerques pròpies.
Envieu-los a llibreria@aldarull.org o passeu per la llibreria!
#Fanzines #llibreriaaldarull #diy
Aquí están los horarios de apertura del kiosko okupado #LaPolilla para este febrero. Comienzan fuerte con un mercadillo, cantautores y actualización sobre #AlfredoCospito este domingo 5 en la plaça Revolució de #Gràcia 🔥 🔥
El sitio donde encontrar los mejores y más políticos #Fanzines de #Barcelona
🤓 🖤 🖤
#LaPolilla #alfredocospito #gracia #Fanzines #barcelona
Fanfiction Enthusiasts Are Digitally Preserving Decades Worth of Zines
#fanzines #fanficton #FandomHistory #LGBTQA #InternetArchive
#Fanzines #fanficton #fandomhistory #LGBTQA #internetarchive #otw #organizationfortransformativeworks
Excellent, right now I'm focusing on #fanfiction and #fanzines. Do you have any scans of born paper? Or ones released digitally?
An awesome #RuneFactory5 fanzine I’m featured in (first pic here is my piece I can finally share around, last 2 are the zine covers!) released this week! It’s free to download, so if you want to see some beautiful works of art & read some lovely fanfic set in the RF5 game, check it out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JbZeSSXLh-tap_nnkHZAPyDbvvHMDB2b?usp=share_link
#artistsonmastodon #artonmastodon #ArtOnMasto #fanzine #fanart #runefactory #freetodownload #zines #zine #Fanzines
#RuneFactory5 #artistsonmastodon #artonmastodon #ArtOnMasto #fanzine #fanart #runefactory #freetodownload #zines #zine #Fanzines
I've learned to say #fanfiction #fanzines because obviously fanzines can include punk. Science fiction literary zines date back to the 1930s. This is fans taking their fanfiction & printing it out, sometimes using third-party vendors, sometimes printing it themselves & binding it themselves & offering it usually at cost.
Interestingly, the group has chosen not to target the robust fan book activity which usually centers on fan art. Ex https://fanlore.org/wiki/RAW_(fanzine) raised almost $100,000
Printed #fanfiction is not "illegal". It is called #fanzines & has been around for 50 years. All #TransformativeWorks (#FanArt, #FanVids) rely on the #FairUse defense to #copyright. Commercial activity is only 1 of the 4 factors when deciding if an activity violates copyright. The fact that $ exchanged hands is not an automatic copyright violation. $ weighs heavily, but with printed fanfic, only a few copies made, maybe not
Again: #TermsofService =\= copyright law
https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/fair-use-rule-copyright-material-30100.html 3/n
#fanfiction #Fanzines #transformativeworks #fanart #fanvids #fairuse #copyright #termsofservice
Context: fan writers have been offering their #fanfic in printed format. Some via 3rd party printers, some simply formatting fic allowing you to print.
A group of #Destiel #Supernatural fans have formed & written a how to guide to impersonate as an interested fan to gain access to these locked/private copies or the formatted files to report them, their websites & ultimately get them banned from #AO3
Links & more context in the replies
#fanfic #destiel #supernatural #ao3 #Fanzines #fandomhistory
Este domingo cumple dos años el kiosko okupado de plaza de las palmeras, en Sant Andreu, y lo van a celebrar a lo grande con concis y todo 😚🎸🥂
Pero si tu eres más del barrio de Gràcia que sepas que este domingo también abre el kiosko okupado de La Polilla en Plaça Revolució. Estarán de 11 a 14 y han impreso mucho material nuevo 📚📖🤩
Apoya a tu kiosko okupado fanzinero más cercano!
#LaPolilla #Gracia #SantAndreu #KioskOkupat #Fanzines #FanzineLocal
#LaPolilla #gracia #santandreu #kioskokupat #Fanzines #FanzineLocal
What happens to the #fanzines after we scan them you ask?
Why we #donate them to university #SpecialCollections and #archives
Borrowed ones are returned to the owners
Places that have accepted donations in the US
#TAMU (Texas)
#UCRiverside (California)
#BowlingGreen (Ohio)
#OpenDoors / #AO3 has a list here https://www.transformativeworks.org/open-doors-announces-new-partnerships-and-digitization-initiative/
Note: most universities are limiting what they will accept as they are getting full.
We also need more places in other countries
#Fanzines #donate #specialcollections #archives #universityofiowa #tamu #UCRiverside #bowlinggreen #opendoors #ao3
My group scans & digitizes the #fanzines for multiple projects
1st Up:
#ArchiveOfOurOwn has a new project through their #OpenDoors preservation initiative.
They are converting #FanFiction printed between 1970-2000s paper fanzines into HTML files and uploading the stories and #FanArt to #AO3
This is done with #permission
Featured in this recent #Slate article
(Note: we provide the zine scans, we do not run the project)
#Fanzines #archiveofourown #opendoors #fanfiction #fanart #ao3 #permission #slate
Forgot to say in my #introduction : I am very interested in #fanzine / #fanzines based on #videogames 👀
#introduction #fanzine #Fanzines #videogames
También hoy he descubierto la distri Sprout Distro (material en inglés) que además tienen cuenta en Mastodon: @sproutdistro 🎉 🏴
La verdad es que el material es bueno y especialmente abundante 😍
#lecturas #anarquismo #Fanzines #Distris
Pues hoy me he encontrado con la distri Ediciones Extáticas que tiene unos cuantos materiales que valen bastante la pena del comité invisible, anarquismo insurreccionalista, etc. Seguramente es viejísima pero yo la acabo de descubrir ¡A descargar fanzines se ha dicho!🤓 📚
#lecturas #anarquismo #Distris #Fanzines