I would love to know why this house hates 2.4Ghz. Shifting my zigbee coordinator as well
as my garage door opener to see if I can get a more reliable signal. Still nothing seems to get an RSSI of greater that 120 😒
Interestingly my 4G phone signal is also rubbish. #faradaycage
Radio Waves: What Listeners Like, Renaissance of Radio, WOR in Photographs, DIY Faraday Cage
#wor #radiowaves #photos #FaradayCage #amradio
Eek! BRB just building a #FaradayCage around my house!
"The Wi-Peep exploit allows an attacker to covertly locate all of the Wi-Fi-enabled devices in a building quickly using inexpensive hardware." And all without even joining the target wifi network 🙀
#cybersec #infosec #wifi #privacy
#FaradayCage #cybersec #infosec #wifi #privacy
Eek! BRB just building a #FaradayCage around my house!
"The Wi-Peep exploit allows an attacker to covertly locate all of the Wi-Fi-enabled devices in a building quickly using inexpensive hardware." And all without even joining the target wifi network 🙀
#cybersec #infosec #wifi
#FaradayCage #cybersec #infosec #wifi
Another thunderstorm on its way, and I feel like someone dropped a piano on my head. It's way worse here than at my last place, and the current hypothesis is that the iron rich soil enhances electrical tension. Hard to prove, but I'm tempted to turn this house into a faraday cage to see if it helps.
#ThunderStorm #FaradayCage #headache
#headache #FaradayCage #thunderstorm