Adani Group complained against farm law. Gov’t diluted it to allow hoarding by corporates
Before a Niti Aayog task force on farmers’ income, the conglomerate advocated to remove restrictions on corporates hoarding agricultural commodities.
#FarmLaws #AdaniGroup #AdaniAgro #NitiAayog #BJP #SharadMarathe #FarmersProtest #adani #gujarat #AdaniPorts #mahindra #patanjali #ITC #FCI #CronyCapitalism #agriculture #agribusiness #india
#FarmLaws #adanigroup #adaniagro #nitiaayog #BJP #sharadmarathe #FarmersProtest #adani #gujarat #adaniports #mahindra #patanjali #itc #fci #cronycapitalism #agriculture #agribusiness #india
Lockdown, demonetisation to CAA, farm laws: How hasty policies have killed Indians
The costs of these measures have been high but their benefits are contested or unknown. Instead of accountability for deaths, there is authoritarian arrogance.
#UnionGovt #demonetisation #CAA #lockdown #COVID #article370abrogation #kashmir #UAPA #FarmLaws #aadhaar #BJP #economy #BJP #policies #india
#uniongovt #demonetisation #caa #lockdown #covid #article370abrogation #kashmir #uapa #FarmLaws #aadhaar #BJP #economy #policies #india
Lakhimpur Kheri violence: SC says an accused shouldn't be in jail for indefinite period
Worst victims in the case are those farmers languishing in jail and if Ashish Mishra is not granted anything, then they are also likely to remain in jail: says the top court.
#LakhimpurKheri #crime #AshishMishra #AjayKumarMishra #BJP #UttarPradesh #FarmersProtest #FarmLaws #SupremeCourt #Undertrials #IndianJudiciary #law #india
#LakhimpurKheri #crime #AshishMishra #ajaykumarmishra #BJP #uttarpradesh #FarmersProtest #FarmLaws #supremecourt #undertrials #indianjudiciary #law #india
'Have PTSD': HC Probe Confirms Police Torture, Now Dalit Activist Awaits Justice
Shiv Kumar was at the forefront of the year-long protests against the three farm laws passed by the Modi government.
#dalit #activism #FarmLaws #CasteViolence #casteism #PoliceViolence #haryana #labour #LabourRights #HumanRights #torture #IndianJudiciary #NodeepKaur #MastIndia #india
#dalit #activism #FarmLaws #casteviolence #casteism #policeviolence #haryana #labour #labourrights #humanrights #torture #indianjudiciary #NodeepKaur #mastindia #india
कमा लिए दो रुपये? अब जा कर खाना खा ले
If the "Fake Gandhis" think they can fool Indians by protesting in front of Mahatma Gandhi's statue, they are living in Rahul's Paradise.
Such is the political bankruptcy of CONgress, they are protesting against the #FarmLaws that are being already being repealed in Parliament.
If you read the full text of the #FarmLaws Repeal Bill (no. 143 of 2021), see here:,2021.pdf
You will see why a debate was not allowed by #ModiSarkar. It is technically a repeal of the3 Farm Laws but not a change of heart by the Govt.
Thread > #FarmersProtest
வேளாண் சட்டங்களுக்கு எதிரான விவசாயிகளின் போராட்டம் தொடங்கி ஓராண்டு நிறைவு!
வேளாண் போராட்டம் கடந்து வந்த பாதை...
#SunNews | #FarmersProtest | #FarmLaws
#FarmLaws #SunNews #FarmersProtest
“Yeh arthik azaadi ki ladai hai. (This is a battle for economic independence.)” he said. “And the farmers have just begun this journey.”
With #Modi’s #farmlaws repeal promise,, 35, from a #Punjab farm family, hopes to return to the US, where he left behind family, incl 3-yr-old daughter: > 1 lakh protestors, locals treated at his ‘Pind California’. reports
Modi's announcement that he will repeal his unwanted #FarmLaws has punctured his self-important balloon:
"Has someone in the Modi Department of Falsehood decided that the man needs some fake humility injected into his persona?"
I write.
The Toiletpaper of India.
Twice used here, evidently.
Foremost experts on farming providing their indepth assessment on the decision to withdraw #FarmLaws & political implications
If I had enough money, I'd bet that there's going to be some nefarious ordinance issued just after the winter session is adjourned sine die within a week or so of Nov 29.
I agree with the doomsayers. Modi & Co are going to come down hard to save the Emperor's strongman reputation.
Don't take anything for granted. So far, Modi has just said the laws will be repealed. They have not been yet.
#FarmersProtest #FarmLaws
Can we also hold programs to thank him for refusing to do anything worthwhile?
BJP to organise citywide programs in #Delhi to thank Prime Minister Modi for his decision to repeal the #farmlaws #farmlawswithdrawn #Farmlawsrepealed
#Farmlawsrepealed #FarmLawsWithdrawn #FarmLaws #Delhi
RT @subindennis
Just a reminder: Congress Manifesto for LS Elections 2019 said that APMC Act & Essential Commodities Act will be scrapped.
2 of the 3 #FarmLaws against which farmers are fighting are those that Cong. endorsed. Cong. & BJP have been on the same side on economic policy issues.
RT @vijayanpinarayi
The year-long farmers' protest has finally triumphed. Indian farmers have scripted one of the brightest chapters in the history of class struggles. Salutes to the martyrs, farmers and organisations who fought with unmatched resoluteness and undying spirit. #Farmlaws
Will they try and blame Nehru for these Farm Laws?
I mean, if you're being shameless, be totally shameless, right?
BJP to organise citywide programs in #Delhi to thank Prime Minister Modi for his decision to repeal the #farmlaws #farmlawswithdrawn #Farmlawsrepealed
#Farmlawsrepealed #FarmLawsWithdrawn #FarmLaws #Delhi
While we celebrate the power of the people in the repeal of #farmlaws ; a friendly reminder that district public hospitals are being privatised. The only option for healthcare for masses at district level will cease
Zero awareness or protest on this, except in some small bubbles.
I would've said something about dogs being thrown bones, but that would insult dogs, to have them compared to such mushroom growth medium.
PM has repealed #farmlaws in national interest. Anti India 🇮🇳 elements were trying to take advantage of this . #Fact