RT @ttindia@twitter.com
Thirteen-year-old Aryan was worried about his next meal on Saturday as the farmers ended their protest on Delhiโs borders and wound up their langars.
@Kisanektamorcha@twitter.com #FarmLawsRepealed #FarmersProtests
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/ttindia/status/1469879686121492480
#FarmersProtests #Farmlawsrepealed
RT @BabaGlocal@twitter.com
What is surprising in all this is that Godi media was completely unaware this was coming. They didnโt even give Smita Prakash a heads up?
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/BabaGlocal/status/1461724592066682881
Can we also hold programs to thank him for refusing to do anything worthwhile?
RT @JatinPaul@twitter.com
BJP to organise citywide programs in #Delhi to thank Prime Minister Modi for his decision to repeal the #farmlaws #farmlawswithdrawn #Farmlawsrepealed
#Farmlawsrepealed #FarmLawsWithdrawn #FarmLaws #Delhi
Wonderful explainer of #FarmLawsRepealed means. Mucho Gracias Prof!
RT @gauravsabnis
In case you're a non-Indian (or even an Indian) confused about what #Farmlawsrepealed exactly means and why everyone from Rihanna to Martina to Mia Khalifa were tweeting about it, here's a very simple thread laying out the simple facts.
60% Indians make a living through farming.
Will they try and blame Nehru for these Farm Laws?
I mean, if you're being shameless, be totally shameless, right?
RT @JatinPaul@twitter.com
BJP to organise citywide programs in #Delhi to thank Prime Minister Modi for his decision to repeal the #farmlaws #farmlawswithdrawn #Farmlawsrepealed
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/JatinPaul/status/1461559474087346180
#Farmlawsrepealed #FarmLawsWithdrawn #FarmLaws #Delhi
RT @smrutibombay
Salute to the protesting farmers and their kin.
#FarmLawsRepealed https://twitter.com/smrutibombay/status/1461542779666898946