'Road to Unfreedom - Russia, Europe, America' by is an extraordinary book. In addition, it contains so many quotable epiphanies.

On Ilyin & fascist dictators succession in :

πŸ’‘"The very threat of what comes next generates a sense of threat that can be projected upon others as foreign policy. is its own true enemy, and that is the secret it keeps from itself by attacking others." (p. 29)

#timothysnyder #russia #totalitarianism #propaganda #FascistRussia #roadtounfreedom #Ukraine #neveragain #UN

Last updated 2 years ago

taking over the presidency of the again today, because the rules are completely incapable of dealing with illegal aggression and violations of international law means one thing very, very clearly:

there is no such thing as "international law" and "rules-based international order".

"russia attacks civilians in 8 Ukrainian regions, kills 5-month-old baby in Avdiivka"


#FascistRussia #unsecuritycouncil #UN #Ukraine #ArmUkraineNow #arrestputin #StandWithUkraine

Last updated 2 years ago

BayAreaFan19 · @LeslieP
118 followers · 2878 posts · Server sfba.social

RT @PaulaChertok@twitter.com

Meanwhile… New Year's Eve in Putin's Russia >> Police beating up people in Moscow's Red Square, apparently, just for being there. Authorities closed it off after a protester tried to torch the holiday tree πŸŽ„πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/PaulaChertok/statu

#RussiaIsATerroristState #FascistRussia #rascism

Last updated 2 years ago

Tomas · @tomascap
100 followers · 172 posts · Server toot.community

I am proud to live in a country that supports in its war for independence from literally with all it has. Our government is providing millions of $ worth of weapons and other aid. Ordinary people are supporting with their own money, having raised additional millions of $ among them. Please consider joining a campaign to provide with short-range mobile systems: weaponstoukraine.com/kampane/v

#ukraine #FascistRussia #UkraineArmedForces #AirDefense #SlavaUkraini

Last updated 2 years ago