Got `bazc-simple` #compiler working, with type tracking of arguments / stack / locals and no fancy inference algorithms. It takes 0.013s to compile `isoheptane.baz` to C, which is #FastEnough .
Next up is making #Barry engine emit the entire current state of the code to a temporary `.baz` file after each submitted input block. So it becomes a bridge between "use editor to evaluate code in blocks" and "whole program compilation".
Then maybe I'll rip out the audio part entirely, as the #interpreter is too #VerySlow to be useful. Will maybe copy/paste some of that code into #Clive engine.
The eventual aim is to hook up a filesystem watcher to automatically compile the `.baz` to `.c` (with `bazc-simple`), and then Clive can take over with its `.c` to `.so` compiler and `.so` reloader with heap preserving #HotSwap . Full stack will look like:
troop // editor
barry // collate to `.baz`
bazc-simple // compile to `.c`
clive-client // compile to `.so`
clive-server // reloads `.so`
#compiler #FastEnough #barry #interpreter #VerySlow #clive #hotswap