Ich bin kein besonders großer Fan von #Subways - ich finde allerdings den charakteristischen Geruch, der da aus den Läden strömt, erstaunlich attraktiv, besonders mit leerem Magen. Bei klassischen Hackbratketten ist das nicht so. Liegt das an der Röstaromen der Brote? #kulinarisch #fastfood
#Subways #kulinarisch #FastFood
US investigation uncovers two 10-year-olds working at Kentucky McDonald’s
Investigation also found three franchises in four states employed a total of 305 children working more than legally permitted hours
#McDonalds #ChildLabor #Kentucky #LaborLaw #labor #children #FastFood #restaurants
#mcdonalds #childlabor #kentucky #laborlaw #labor #children #FastFood #restaurants
Could #whataburger decide if they sell fish or not? Do it or don't. Stop messing about. #FastFood
What the hell happened to Happy Meals?
#funny #FastFood #mcdonalds #ForSale
Etiquette and eating burgers
Excruciata Reees-Mog provides insights into how elegant and sophisticated women tackle eating burgers, ribs and other fast foods.
#lifestyle #etiquette #monday #finedining #FastFood #humour #satire
Photo credit in article
#lifestyle #etiquette #monday #finedining #FastFood #humour #satire
@ThatMarkRoberts Bing Maps says that Vialli's is 2 minutes' walk along the road. Possibly closer than where you parked your car.
1 minute if you go through Spencer Yard. (-:
Woher kommt Würstchen im Schlafrock?
In den USA wurde diese Speise erstmals auf der Weltausstellung 1892 in Chicago auf dem österreichischen Stand präsentiert. Die Amerikaner gefiel der „Frankfurter im Schlafrock“, den sie bald „Hot Dog“ nannten. Dieser entwickelte sich bald zu einer Art Volksnahrungsmittel.
ZUTATEN für ca. 4 Personen:
1 Packung Blätterteig
4 Paar als 8 St. Frankfurter Würstl
1 Ei zum Bestreichen
Blätterteig ausrollen und in Streifen zu je 2,5 cm schneiden.
Die Würstel in zwei Teile schneiden und mit Wasser befeuchten.
Würstel so umwickeln, dass an beiden Enden etwas vom Würstel herausschaut.
Mit Ei bestreichen und bei 220 °C Ober-/Unterhitze ca. 20 - 25 Minuten hellbraun backen.
Dazu serviere ich Ketchup, Mayonnaise und Salat.
#würstl #hotdog #fastfood
@stephenfry Personally, I'd (also) like to see better staff training, across the board in fast food restaurants, so that for _take-out_ meals I don't automatically and without asking receive several sachets of sauces, salt, wooden forks, and a grabbed handful of paper napkins; none of which I have any need for.
ShitPost, Vulva
This is my type of breakfast.
'An advert poster for Mc Flapps breakfast sandwiches which look like vulvas.'
#shitpost #shitposting #vulva #FastFood #mcdonalds
#christmas is here for real! I have a #whataburger snowglobe and ornament! #texas #food #burger #FastFood #holidays
#christmas #whataburger #texas #food #burger #FastFood #holidays
Pizza lover cap design | Us | Uk
#cap #hat #fashion #pizza #caps #style #topi #newera #baseballcap #hats #streetwear #tshirt #shopping #topimurah #love #headwear #women #clothea #instagood #apparel #men #t #neweracap #instagram #follow #fastfood #fifty #bag #food #bon
#CAP #Hat #fashion #pizza #caps #style #topi #newera #baseballcap #hats #streetwear #tshirt #Shopping #topimurah #love #headwear #women #clothea #instagood #apparel #men #t #neweracap #instagram #follow #FastFood #fifty #bag #food #Bon
Pre-Birthday Dinner at #holycow with @roff5 😍🍔 #burger #fastfood #sundaydinner
#holycow #burger #FastFood #sundaydinner
Love #food reviews? Love #FastFood? TheReportOfTheWeek has some of the best & most thoughtful takes out there. I’m hooked on their channel. 🤩
The Finale of the McRib reviewed. https://youtu.be/jT3k97RxOkw