Closing tommorow, 7/2, is #PrimaFacie, #Leopoldstadt, #FatHam, & #TheSigninSidneyBrusteinsWindow.
For Prima Facie (before Jodie Comer won the Best Leading Actress in a Play Tony for her performance) VinceND had a "Great seat for seeing facial expressions".
#thesigninsidneybrusteinswindow #FatHam #leopoldstadt #PrimaFacie
This was iampaulsteven's great view, from the mezzanine, of #FatHam a Pulitzer Prize winning Hamlet adaptation that takes place at a family cookout.
It has 5 Tony Award nominations including Best Play, closes the #AmericanAirlinesTheatre on July 25th, & first premiered as a filmed production during the Wilma's 20/21 season. #Broadway
#broadway #americanairlinestheatre #FatHam
So #Broadway this season:
The downside- the Pat Benatar musical, the Brittany Spears musical, Shucked (a musical about corn), the Back to the Future musical, the Almost Famous musical, The Mousetrap and on and on and on it goes.
The upside- Top Dog/Underdog, Piano Lesson, Death of a Salesman, and, now, #FatHam
Still a paucity of originality.
#theatre #theater #FatHam #broadway
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
Watch the company of #FatHam at @PublicTheaterNY perform a cover of Kill The Lights!
#BroadwayWorld #FatHam #theater