Last chance!
The #AscellanConspiracy timeline for #FateofCthulhu #ttrpg is on sale until August 31st as part of @drivethrurpg #CosmicHorror sale.
#ascellanconspiracy #FateofCthulhu #ttrpg #cosmichorror
🕵️ Psst! The #AscellanConspiracy is on sale @DriveThruRPG, along with many other Cosmic Horror titles.
In this #FateofCthulhu Timeline, trade Eldritch Gods for an alien invasion spanning a century.
With Alien DNA raging through their veins, your Resistance agents must disrupt 4 key events in the past – with the ultimate goal of preventing First Contact in 1932.
Requires the Fate of Cthulhu rules by @evilhat
#CosmicHorror #ttrpgs #FateRPG
#ascellanconspiracy #FateofCthulhu #cosmichorror #ttrpgs #faterpg
It's @DriveThruRPG's #ChristamsinJuly!
You have 7 days to take advantage of this promo...
& save the Earth!
With #alien DNA coursing through their veins, can your team alter all four key historical events before it's too late? Find out in the #AscellanConspiracy timeline for the #FateofCthulhu #ttrpg.
#christamsinjuly #alien #ascellanconspiracy #FateofCthulhu #ttrpg
Meanwhile, I've started a Fate of Cthulhu game and a Wildsea game. Wildsea's first play session is tonight-- as always, I have a general plan of some story hooks for them, and one of those I kind of fleshed out with an NPC and location because I think it's interesting-- but I'm 100% on board with them going in a different direction. My players always surprise me. #ttrpg #FateofCthulhu #TheWildsea
#ttrpg #FateofCthulhu #TheWildsea
You enter a lab lit by soft blue light, with rows of clone tanks. A faint hum makes you look up to a pulsing metal sphere. Your companion shrieks, pointing to the tanks. The clone is staring straight at you as the doors snap shut.
Travel to 1999 and destroy the cloning facilities before the Vanguard catches you. Now available on DriveThruRPG
#faterpg #eldritch #FateofCthulhu #timetravel #ascellanconspiracy #ttrpg #aliens
The #AscellanConspiracy timeline for the #FateofCthulhu #ttrpg sets aside Lovecraftian mythos & dives into #alieninvasion tropes from sources such as:
- The Three-Body Problem
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers
- District 9
- Edge of Tomorrow
- V
- X-Files
- Dark Skies
- The Day of the Triffids.
What alien invasion stories have stuck with you?
If Alien invasion #ttrpgs are your jam, check out The Ascellan Conspiracy on @DriveThruRPG:
#ascellanconspiracy #FateofCthulhu #ttrpg #alieninvasion #ttrpgs
They came from outer space, but left the spaceships home.
In this #FateofCthulhu timeline, travel back in time to stop an alien invasion spanning a century. Cloning labs. MIB. Weird science. Strange mutations. Can you stop the #AscellanConspiracy?
Now on @drivethrurpg & @itchio
#FateofCthulhu #ascellanconspiracy
#inroduction 2/-
#horrorrpg #CallofCthulhu (currently absorbing 40th anniversary) #Bureau13, #BrindlewoodBay, #Dread, #iHunt, #CastingtheRunes, #Ecoterrorists, #TheYellowKing, #DeltaGreen , #CthulhuDark, #FateofCthulhu
Conspiracy/Urban Fantasy - #OvertheEdge, #UnknownArmies, #Nobilis/ #Chuubo, #ArsMagica, #amberdiceless, #IronKingdoms #RedMarkets, #Spire
Others - #Capers, #ICONS, #MSHRPG, #ORE, #Cyberpunk2020/ #CyberpunkRED , #Deadlands, #HauntedWest
Others just ask!
#inroduction #horrorrpg #callofcthulhu #bureau13 #BrindlewoodBay #dread #ihunt #CastingTheRunes #ecoterrorists #TheYellowKing #deltagreen #CthulhuDark #FateofCthulhu #overtheedge #UnknownArmies #nobilis #chuubo #arsmagica #amberdiceless #IronKingdoms #RedMarkets #Spire #capers #icons #mshrpg #ore #cyberpunk2020 #CyberpunkRED #deadlands #HauntedWest
So, jumping on the new meme
5 Games I have played, in no order
5 Games I want to GM (out of many many many)
Honestly, you could probably talk me in to GMind just about anything.
#vtm #mta #InSpectres #callofcthulhu #HeavyGear #bladesinthedark #TimeWatch #deltagreen #Deviant #FateofCthulhu
If people are looking for folks through hashtags / topics, this is what I'm all about:
🎲 🎲 🎲 🎲
#indierpg #indierpgs
#rpgs #rpg
#ttrpgs #ttrpg
#indierpg #indierpgs #rpgs #rpg #ttrpgs #ttrpg #faterpg #FateofCthulhu #boardgames #rpgdesign
I am putting final touches on handouts & props for The Ascellan Conspiracy, my latest #FateofCthulhu #ttrpg scenario.
Players get a handout & PC sheet to keep. Rather than just loan dice this year, I decided to offer those who need them homemade sets.
In The Ascellan Conspiracy, time traveling agents from 2027 seek to prevent First Contact. As PCs jump further back in time, they may have to recruit new agents. Players can join one, several or all four missions.