> “I used to be very good with guns, was maybe the best shot in my company when I was a PFC. But I wouldn’t have one of the motherfuckers in my house for anything.” #KurtVonnegut in #FatesWorseThanDeath
#FatesWorseThanDeath #kurtvonnegut
> .. “When #CharltonHeston (a movie actor who once played #Jesus with shaved armpits) tells me in TV commercials about all the good work the #NationalRifleAssociation (to which Father and I both belonged when I was a kid) is doing, and how glad I should be that civilians can and do keep #MilitaryWeapons in their homes or vehicles or places of work, I feel exactly as though he were praising the germs of some loathsome disease..” #FatesWorseThanDeath, pages 80-81
#FatesWorseThanDeath #militaryweapons #nationalrifleassociation #jesus #charltonheston