So, there's a train called "My Lovely Horse". #eurovision #FatherTed #BritishRailways
#BritishRailways #FatherTed #eurovision
So, there's a train called "My Lovely Horse". #eurovision #FatherTed #BritishRailways
#BritishRailways #FatherTed #eurovision
Hello! Moved in from another instance, looking for peeps to follow! Here's some of my interests:
#FullmetalAlchemist #SailorMoon #Ghibli #TerrorInResonance #HaibaneRenmei #EmmaAVictorianRomance #Pokemon #X1999 (2001)
#StevenUniverse #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower #LegendOfKorra
#GhostsCBS #GhostsBBC #FatherTed
#WatercolorPainting #Drawing #Writing #ListeningToMusic
#Fantasy #Romance #RealGhostStories #Manga
#folkcatholicism #eclecticwicca #mediahistory #20thcentury #victorian #history #manga #realghoststories #romance #fantasy #listeningtomusic #writing #drawing #watercolorpainting #FatherTed #ghostsbbc #GhostsCBS #legendofkorra #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #stevenuniverse #x1999 #pokemon #emmaavictorianromance #haibanerenmei #terrorinresonance #ghibli #sailormoon #fullmetalalchemist
Hello! Moving from another instance, looking for peeps to follow! Here's some of my interests:
#FullmetalAlchemist #SailorMoon #Ghibli #TerrorInResonance #HaibaneRenmei #EmmaAVictorianRomance #Pokemon #X1999 (2001)
#StevenUniverse #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower #LegendOfKorra
#GhostsCBS #GhostsBBC #FatherTed
#WatercolorPainting #Drawing #Writing #ListeningToMusic
#Fantasy #Romance #RealGhostStories #Manga
#folkcatholicism #eclecticwicca #mediahistory #20thcentury #victorian #history #manga #realghoststories #romance #fantasy #listeningtomusic #writing #drawing #watercolorpainting #FatherTed #ghostsbbc #GhostsCBS #legendofkorra #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #stevenuniverse #x1999 #pokemon #emmaavictorianromance #haibanerenmei #terrorinresonance #ghibli #sailormoon #fullmetalalchemist
#Lego Town Day 11: Still over on Blocky Island, where #FatherTed has an awkward encounter with some new residents… (sound on for this year’s stop-motion animation video!)
Part One:
Part Two:
RT @SeenShorn: As #FatherTed is trending let's just remember that Hat Trick productions are blocking the staging of Father Ted the Musical because its writer Graham Linehan defend womens rights, the safety of children and LGB people, from an ideological men's rights movement