So… let’s start with #MaintenancePhase, co-hosted by the above mentioned Michael Hobbes and “YourFatFriend” author and blogger Aubrey Gordon. The two take turns in presenting and debunking a famous diet or other wellness fad / book / influencer. It’s often tragic, but hilarious. Who would have thought that dismantling #FatPhobia could be this fun?
The #Psychology of Attraction in the #DigitalAge (#Attraction & #Media)
#appearance #grosphobie #fatphobia #swoleisbullshit #colourism #rewiringforbeauty #beautyideals #unrealisticstandards #media #selfworth
#Psych2Go #snaochatdysmorphia #psychology #digitalage #attraction #media #appearance #grosphobie #Fatphobia #swoleisbullshit #colourism #rewiringforbeauty #beautyideals #unrealisticstandards #selfworth #fatshaming
#SweetDeath : How #Sugar Is Making Us Sick
#doku #documentary
#food #foodaddiction #sugaraddiction #health
Again, not into the #grossophobie #fatphobia. Ièm interested in the #healtheffects that affect everyon (#ChronicIllneeses, like #diabetes, #cardiovasculardisease, hypertension, etc)
#sweetdeath #sugar #endevrdocumentary #doku #documentary #food #foodaddiction #sugaraddiction #health #grossophobie #Fatphobia #healtheffects #chronicillneeses #diabetes #cardiovasculardisease
#reminder that #fatphobia is not simply a deep-seated hatred for fat #people. It is the #pathologization of a #body type. you may think you love a fat #person dearly and still view their #body as a problem to be solved. our #oppression is #systemic. it is not just a matter of attitude #change. :antifa_100:
#reminder #Fatphobia #people #pathologization #body #person #oppression #systemic #change
From 26 May: From Airplane Seating to Bathing Suits, Bigots Continue to Self-Own - If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the recent Target swimwear controversy and the ongoing deba... #big-on-the-internet #bigot #fatphobia #self-owns #transphobia
#transphobia #self #Fatphobia #bigot #big
Some things we can personally do to lessen #fatphobia around us:
In a waiting room or similar situation, if there are chairs of different sizes and you fit into a smaller one, sit there and leave the bigger chairs open. Even if the bigger chairs are more comfortable.
If you're attracted to bigger people and not in a fetishistic way, say so openly. Fat people don't usually get sexual approval, and it's important to know that you're desirable. Especially queer, disabled, and BIPOC fat people.
Stop talking about how you shouldn't be eating what you eat or need to lose weight. Stop praising thinness and musculature. Stop watching movies and shows premised on fatphobic tropes, and call them out specifically when you do come across them. Always assume that a fat person will hear you; how does it impact them?
Know who the fat and safe doctors are in your area, and what they do. Know why they're important.
Listen actively to fat people. If they're telling you about a problem in their life or a medical issue, don't assume it's a result of their fatness. It may be a result of fatphobia, though!
There are a lot of people who don't know about, or don't believe in, fatphobia. Get a good understanding of fatphobia, especially its systemic and intersectional context, from fat activists. And be ready to share it whenever necessary. Stop tolerating and trusting your leftist and liberation groups that stand up for some people but think fat is gross. We can do better.
I dag er det #NoDietDay
Hvad gør du for at aflære internaliseret tykfobi?
Og hvor lærer du om tykfobiske strukturer i sundhedsvæsenet, indretning og møbler i det offentlige rum, der gør ondt for tykke personer at benytte eller helt afskærer dem fra at deltage?
Jeg er selv tynd og har meget at lære. Jeg blev først opmærksom på begrebet tykfobi for 3 år siden. Jeg har bl.a. lært meget af at følge Regina Sirene Fjendbo og Dina Amlund på Instagram.
Hvad med jer?
#nodietday #Fatphobia #tykfobi #fatpositive
Oh btw I solved #fatphobia. Turns out it stems from an unconscious, primitive knowledge that #fat is necessary to survive times of famine or disease, and is therefore desirable, clashing with a confused jealousy that demands a stick-skinny standard of #beauty, despite that state being antithetical to our long term survival as a species. So next time some asshole calls you fat like it’s a bad thing, hit them with, I’ll survive the next famine. Will you?
#Fatphobia is something reserved for those that are NOT fat. I'm a fat boy. Always have been. Most people who are fat have been food insecure. It is always in the back of your mind. Don't ever accuse me of anything till you know what is going on with me. Thanks #Mastodon #Kolektiva #TwitterMigration #cringe
#Fatphobia #mastodon #Kolektiva #twittermigration #cringe
Maybe someone more involved in #FatAcceptance can help me out here with recommendations? I like to give good #ImageDescriptions that include relevant details and I want to be as #BodyPositive as possible. But text based communication poses some serious challenges when it comes to tone and implications. #Accessibility #Fatphobia
#fatacceptance #imagedescriptions #bodypositive #accessibility #Fatphobia
Being fat decreases your #pay opportunities significantly in the #corporate world. Add into that mix any other intersecting identities, and you have a recipe for extremely low pay in comparison with groups who do not fall into those #identities. The world views fat people as less valuable and proceeds to compensate them according to that belief.
Fat people are a #marginalized group, but it continues to be 'socially acceptable' to make fun of them, treat them as less, make harmful assumptions about them, and regularly enact aggressions or #microaggressions against them.
#fatphobia #fatphobic #fat #EqualityAtEverySize #discrimination #bullying #identity
#pay #corporate #Identities #marginalized #microaggressions #Fatphobia #fatphobic #fat #equalityateverysize #discrimination #bullying #identity
#ThinPrivilege is a well-made, supportive, cute, cheap and/or commercially-available bra."
Accurate, and that goes for most clothing.
There's this underwear / bra maker going around the #Facebook #advertisement rounds that screams about it being #plussize #inclusive (the sizes they mention go up quite high so I was thrilled), but when you look at their line, what you notice is that the #thin people get all of the adorable designs, and the #fat people are relegated to solid colors that are various shades of beige, brown, grey, and black.
And a lot of the sizes that cater to larger folks are almost always sold out. (Sidebar side-eye over to OldNavy as well on this one, you'd think by now you'd recognize if your 3x and 4x sizes sell out quickly, MAKE MORE OF THEM at a time, because I sure can't seem to catch any of them in-stock in a timely manner).
This is a thin-privilege in action; well, Thin Privilege Item #4562 anyway... there are so many other items to talk about.
#thinprivilege #facebook #advertisement #plussize #inclusive #thin #fat #Fatphobia
"#TheWhale is not a masterpiece – it’s a joyless, harmful fantasy of fat squalor"
"as a professional film critic I can tell you that if The Whale didn’t reflect and validate society’s real opinion of fat people, there’s no way society would like The Whale this much."
CW: #FatPhobia
Y'all #thin people do👏not👏understand👏what's going on with your #fat friends. Seriously.
Yes, #Thinprivilege is being held to a lower dress and grooming standards to look 'acceptable', and no, your fat friends are not OK, because we're out here missing out on jobs, opportunities, connections, clothes/shoes/accessories, proper health care (not #weight-centric health care, which is NOT the same) friends, even family, because of #discrimination.
#thin #fat #thinprivilege #weight #discrimination #Fatphobia
Cannot wait until my first prenatal visit in a couple days. I just want some answers as to why I feel so off. Thyroid issues like both my grandmas? Just anemia like my second pregnancy? Something else? I just wish my husband could come - the doctor seems to listen to his (thin) opinion more consistently. #pregnancy #Healthcare #Fatphobia
#pregnancy #healthcare #Fatphobia
Why are Hollywood fat suits back in fashion?
#Fatphobia #hollywood #FatSuits
Excellent article from a doctor on how to counter the completely unwarranted fat-phobic bias within the traditional medical community. A patient should never be shamed or ignored because of their scale numbers, but far too often they are. As a result, serious medical issues are completely missed or misdiagnosed.